[Chapter 12] Reflection

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-Rachael's POV-

Joey, Anthony, and I were driving back to the hospital. The whole car ride, Anthony and I had our hands intertwined and I placed my head on his shoulder. "What do think Luke is going to do next?" I inquired.

"I have no idea. But we'll be ready for him," Joey answered.

"How? All we know is that 'This isn't over!'," Anthony tried to do an impersonation of Luke. I couldn't help but smile.

"We just have to be," Joey exclaimed as he looked at us through the rear view mirror. We arrived and rushed up to meet the others. When Anthony and I entered, Lisa and Grace greeted us with hugs. Kenya was no where to be found.

"Are you guys alright?" Lisa asked concernedly.

"We should be asking you that. Are you okay?" Anthony questioned.

"Yes," She nodded and started crying, he gave her a hug.

"Where's Kenya?" I questioned, wanting to make amends with her.

"No, idea. We haven't seen her in an hour," Grace replied.

Kenya came bursting through the doors, "This is crazy, I ju-" She stopped mid-sentence and looked at me, "Oh hell no," And then she turned back around and ran out the doors. I heaved a sigh and bolted after her.

"Kenya, please! Let me talk to you!" I shouted as I turned the corner. She ran into a janitor's closet and locked it to keep me out. "Open these fucking doors!" I shouted, punching the door in frustration.

"NO! Just go away!"

I leaned against the door, "Look, you and I both know I'm not going away. And I've got nothing but time to spare sitting here, waiting for you to come out. Or listen to me. Either one." There wasn't a response. "Okay, I guess you're going to listen to me. Well, here I go. I fucked up, okay? I let things get to me and...I made some really bad decisions. Including not telling you what was going on. So, I'll tell you..."

She cracked the door open and I jumped, turning around and seeing a glimpse of her before she closed the door again.

I sighed, "Like I was saying, I'm going to tell you what I couldn't before." I took in a big breath before saying, "Luke...he...I..." I couldn't find the right words to say what I wanted to.

"If this is you trying to tell me the truth, you're doing a pretty shitty job!" She yelled.

I laughed and ran my fingers through my hair, "I know. It's just...hard to admit how stupid I was. Letting some guy control me like he did. I pushed you away...I pushed Anthony away...it was only a matter of time before I pushed my family away too..." I shook my head, "I bet you won't believe me when I say I'm sorry, because I've said it so many times, but, I'm really really sorry, Kenya." Again there was no response.

I rolled my eyes, "I don't know what else to say, Kenya. I've told you everything!"

"Maybe try telling me why you couldn't trust me enough to tell me about Luke." Kenya scolded.

I put my hands on my hips, "Talking to...being with...just being around Luke made me do some stupid and regrettable things, and that included not trusting my best friend. Any other things you want me to apologize for?"

"Not telling Anthony that the coffee in the house is mine."

I smirked at the absurdity of that one, "It slipped my mind when I told him the guidelines of living with you and me."

"That's not an apology."

I sighed, "I'm sorry I didn't tell him it was your coffee and that whoever touches it will have to deal with your wrath."

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