[Chapter 3] The Chair

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**Kenya's POV**

"Kenya! Kenya!"

I opened my eyes to see Rachael leaning over me. I rubbed my eyes and turned over to my stomach in my bed, "What don't you get about not waking me up... unless you have coffee?"

She handed me a coffee and I grinned. "What's seems to be on your mind?" I asked as I took a sip of the steaming hot coffee.

"Well, I thought I'd visit Anthony after I did the coffee run, right?" I nodded my head, "But he wasn't at his apartment. And his car wasn't parked in his spot. Do you have any idea why that is?"

"He probably is somewhere being his normal self... or he's dead." I took another sip of coffee and looked up at Rachael, who was giving me a glare. "I'm messing with you!"

"That's not funny, Kenya." Rachael retorted, sitting back on her heels.

"I bet everything is fine. I'm sure he just went out to blow some steam off. You know how he is... Oh do you have any creamer?" I slowly sat up in bed.

She pulled out a handful of small creamer cups. I took them in my hands and smiled. "Okay what are you up to? First you generously bring me coffee, and you have creamer. So you are definitely up to something."

"I can't just be nice to my friend?" She remarked.

"Ha ha ha... No! Now what do you want?" I replied.

She heaved a sigh, "I don't want to go find him alone. I was hoping maybe you could come with me."

"You said what now?" I questioned, spitting out my coffee at her. She glared at me as she wiped the brown liquid off of her face. "Rachael, I think we should just let Anthony figure out whatever it is that he is going through. Just give him space."

"Give him space?" She repeated, rising to her feet.

"Space..." I answered, "That is all you can do, he probably is still a little bit upset about yesterday, and...not having...his way."

"So you're telling me he's upset because I said we shouldn't go and find..." Her eyes widened and she gasped, "Oh shit..."



"No what!?!" I practically yelled at her.

"That fucking idiot!" She shouted as she turned around and ran out of the room.

"Oh...okay don't tell me!" Then like in the old time cartoons, a light bulb flickered on in my head revealing where Anthony could be and why Rachael was freaking out, "Damn, he's going to find Shane!"

"No duh, Kenya. We need to find him before he hurts himself!" Rachael said as she slipped into her jacket. I immediately opened up my chromebook and logged onto my phone.

I opened up to a program for the CIA that can track agents by phone pings. "Got him" I exclaimed, "He is close to where we last saw Shane... But he is stopping... I bet we could catch up to him!" I glanced up and saw Rachael already gone.

"Or you could go..." I said to myself as I heard the front door slam shut.

-Anthony's POV-

I paced back and forth in the dark, empty street. I was shaking and trying my best to hold back the tears that wanted to stream down my cheeks. What I got when I came here was not what I expected.

That's when I saw Rachael's car pull up. She got out and rushed up to me, pulling me into a tight hug, "You scared the shit out of me, Anthony," She whispered in my ear.

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