[Chapter 9] I Can't Tell Anyone

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-Anthony's POV-

"Did you get the guy?" Joey asked.

I shook my head no, staring out the door Rachael fled out of.

"Did she see who it was?" Kenya inquired.

"She wouldn't tell me," I remarked, crossing my arms over my chest. "She said she didn't know. But I think she's lying."

"Why would she lie?" Lisa retorted. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Maybe she isn’t " Kenya counteracted. Everyone looked over at her. "Maybe she really couldn't tell who it was. I know her. She can be really oblivious to things, even if they're right in front of her face."

"I doubt it," I mumbled, "Like I said before guys, I know when people are lying and she lied straight to my face!"

"Well if she did see this person," Joey butted in, "She's got to be protecting their identity, in some way. We just need to know who she wouldn't want us to find."

"Shane said it started with an L," Lisa stated.

I watched as the group burst into conversation, spitting out the names of people they knew that started with an L. There was only person I knew, besides Lisa, and that was Luke. My eyes widened and I ran towards the entrance, “Where are you going?” Joey yelled.

I stopped in my tracks and glanced back at him, "Going to go find this guy."

"You can't do it alone, Anthony," Kenya snapped at me.

"Watch me!” I exclaimed as I left. I could hear their footsteps as they followed me out. I rolled my eyes. Sometimes I really hated how close we all were and how we couldn't leave one another alone for more than a few minutes.

"Anthony! Stop!" Kenya screamed.

"Why? So we can discuss and agree on who we all think is the murderer? Also known as the person who's made my own girlfriend turn against me?" I retorted, spinning around so I was facing them, "Guys, we've gotten absolutely nowhere in weeks working together. Maybe it's time we split up and take matters into our own, individual hands."

"Remember last time you decided to do that?" Joey remarked, "You nearly got yourself killed and we had to come and save your ass!"

"I didn't nearly get myself killed!" I shouted at him. Joey was about to lunge at me when Kenya stuck her arm out in front of him.

"I think we should let him do this," Kenya said, looking at me. Joey glanced down at her, shocked.

"Are you crazy?" He growled at her, "He's going to get himself hurt or killed!"

“That’s his choice!”

Joey glared at me. Kenya sighed and said to me, "Just be careful.”

"I will," I assured her, turning around and running to my car.  I hopped in and started the car.

**Joey’s POV**

“What the hell was that?" I roared at Kenya.

“Nothing of importance, Joey we will talk about this later.”

"No, we'll talk about this now," I argued, "We just let a member of our team go and find this murderer all by himself! He's going to get killed!"

She pulled me aside away from everybody, “We need to find out what’s going on. Anthony is too emotional right now. I think it’s best that he goes off on his own, maybe he will find something different.”

"I don't like this idea, Kenya, regardless if he's emotional. He needs his friends. He needs his girlfriend. He needs people around him!"

“I have to disagree with that. I feel that maybe us being around him is making it worse. I think he needs to do this one on his own. Without us up his ass twenty-four seven."

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