[Chapter 17] None Of Your Business

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-Kenya's POV-

I was walking aimlessly through the deserted halls of this place, looking for Luke's conscious. I vaguely remember him waking me up and telling me he had to go do something and that he'd be right back. Well, it was the next day and he was still not back. I was getting worried. Here was the strange thing: I was worried for a murderer, and a guy who wants to kill everyone close to me.

"Where the fuck could he be?" I said to myself as I turned the corner to go down yet another hallway.

-Joey's POV-

I clenched my jaw, "What are you doing here, Luke?"

"Oh, I feel so loved," He retorted sarcastically, approaching me and tilting my head up so I was looking directly at him, "What are you doing here, Joey?"

"They think I was the one who killed Dan Howell, not you," I growled at him.

He smirked, as if he was pleased to hear this news, "Is that so?"

"What do you want with me?"

He bent down so he was eye level with me and said, "Okay. Here's the deal. I have your girlfriend. And if you don't want her killed, I recommend you comply with me. No complaints. No bitching. Just complete and utter obeyance, understood?"

I remained silent, glaring at him.

“I’m going to take that as a yes.” He took a step back and began pacing back and forth, "I need you to do a very important task for me. But first, I'd like you to call me Conscience. I'm not Luke, and I most certainly don't want to be mistaken for that idiot. Back to business, this task, I can't do it myself because I'm having a little...self-conflict..."



"What the hell is that?"

"Look," He stuck his index finger in my direction, "Complete and utter obeyance includes no questions asked, alright?"

"No! It's not alright!"

"Too bad! You're going to do as I say whether you like it or not!"


"I said complete and utter obeyance! You agreed!"

"I said nothing!" I argued.

"Ugh!" He pulled out something from his pocket and started approaching me. I would've done everything in my power to get away from him, but I was restrained and couldn't move. He grabbed me by the hair and jerked my head to the side, injecting whatever he had pulled out of his pocket into my neck. I howled in pain as he whispered into my ear, "Okay, Graceffa. Here’s the task: You're going to admit that you killed Phil Lester. And you're going admit to killing Anthony, Rachael, and any other people who show up dead from that stupid Missing game.  Do I make myself clear?"

Just then, the door opposite to me clicked open and within the blink of an eye, Conscience disappeared and guards rushed in, looking at me with worried expressions.

One guard leaned in close to the other guard and said under his voice, "Why are his eyes yellow?"

"I...I don't know," The other guard replied.

You're going to admit that you killed Phil Lester, Conscience's voice rang in my head, And you're going to admit to killing Anthony, Rachael, and any other people who show up dead from Missing. You're going to admit that you killed Phil Lester, and you're going to admit to killing Anthony, Rachael, and any other people who show up dead from Missing.

-SEQUEL TO MISSING- Murder (YouTube FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now