[Chapter 11] No Reason or Excuse

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-Rachael's POV-

I closed the door, but kept one hand on the knob. I started crying. Then from behind, I felt Luke come over and wrap his arms around my waist, "Are you okay?" He asked in a concerned tone.

"No..." I pulled myself away from him and walked into the kitchen.

"What can I do to make you feel better?" He asked me.

"I don't know!" I snapped at him, "I don't know anything anymore!"

"C-calm down Rach," He said.

"I can't!" I screamed, sitting down on one of the bar stools and resting my elbows on the bar, "My best friend hates me and I just pushed the guy of my dreams right out of my life..." I dropped my head onto the bar and started sobbing, "I don't even recognize myself anymore."

"But I do," He remarked softly as he stroked my hair.

"Then tell me," I looked back at him, my eyes stinging with tears, "Who the fuck am I? Because I certainly don't know."

He tilted my chin up and said, "I see a girl who was influenced by all the wrong people. And a girl who needs to be loved by someone who really cares about her." I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. "If it was me, I would have stayed and tried to win you back. Not give up like Anthony did."

"I fought so hard for him," I murmured under my breath, followed by a slight chuckle, "Acting like I didn't like him for so long. I remember the first time I saw him..." I blushed, "It was kind of like the first time I saw you. He looked so handsome with his uniform and badge and all. Except, he wasn't LAPD." I glanced up at him and got to my feet, "Wait...is this some kind of trick the LAPD put you up to?"

"No, I would never do that to you."

"Are you sure? You seemed okay with...with killing people, and taking me..."

"Rach, I did it to prove a point. To show you how irrational and harmful Anthony can be." He gently held my arms, "Not to hurt you."

"Why should I trust you?"

"You have to Rachael. Please."

I looked up at him, "I don't know if I can trust anyone anymore, Luke. I mean...I want to trust someone, it's just..." I stepped out of his hold and crossed my arms over my chest.

He slipped his hand under my chin and tilted my head up so I was looking at him, "I'm the one you need to trust, Rachael. I'm the only one who loves you."

I walked over to the sink and looked out the window. He followed and stated, "Look, I have to go take care of some things. Will you be okay by yourself for a while?"

"Where are you going?" I retorted, looking back at him.

"It doesn't matter," He kissed me on the forehead and walked out the front door, "We'll talk later." I followed him, but stopped at the door as I watched him run down the street to his car and sped away. I rolled my eyes and closed the door that he left open.

-Grace's POV-

I sat on the empty hospital bed, staring out the window that gave a wonderful view of the parking lot. After Lisa and all of them left, Shane started getting worse. I called 911 and he was rushed to the hospital. The doctors tried to do everything to help them, but it was near impossible when they didn't know what was going on. After about thirty minutes of doing all they could, Shane passed away. I called Lisa and she said she would come as soon as she could.

There was a knock on the door. I turned around and saw Lisa, Joey, and Kenya standing in the doorway. I rose to my feet. "Where is he?" Lisa asked.

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