Chapter 23 ~ Gym

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~No ones pov~
Fresh and Jammy was walking to the gym together when they heard the bell they both looked at each other for a second and the started running to the gym. When they got there they were like 5 minutes late. They both walked in.
When they tryed to walk to the locker room quickly the gym teacher called them out, which wasted more time.

He looked like Error but he wasnt, Error was just a little nicer than him

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He looked like Error but he wasnt, Error was just a little nicer than him.
"HEY, you two why are you late" he said, looking furious. Jammy didnt want people to know they were dating, Fresh was ok with people knowing. Fresh didnt want to upset jammy so he kept his mouth shut, Jammy did the same.
"GO GET DRESSED YOUR WASTING TIME" he yelled at them. While Jammy and Fresh were walking to the locker room the gym teacher called out Fresh again.
"YOU THE ONE WEARING THE SUNGLASSES". Fresh looked back at the gym teacher while Jammy kept walking.
"What" Fresh said in a sassy tone. The teacher glared at him for a second before saying
"You cant wear your sunglasses in class" the teacher said before turning back to the class. Fresh wasnt done tho.
"Wait what but i cant go without my shades" Fresh said, but the teacher just ignored him. Fresh stommped off to the locker room. When Fresh got into the locker room he saw Jammy having a little bit of trouble. Jammy had somehow got his head stuck in the sleeve of his shirt.
"Ahh Fresh help me" Jammy said, Fresh just laughed. Once Fresh helped Jammy out of his prison made of shirts Fresh got dressed and left his glasses on.
Fresh walked out to see the gym teacher yelling at Jammy for not doing his extra laps for being late, even tho Jammy didnt even know he was supost to.
"HEY FUNK (XD i cant take it seriously) OFF" Fresh yelled at the gym teacher everyone was silent there wasnt a sound in the gym. The gym teacher turned around and the first thing he noticed was Fresh was still wearing the sunglasses. He walked up to Fresh and grabbed his sunglasses.
"I thought i told you that you cant wear these in here" the furious gym teacher said. Fresh had closed his eyes not wanting anyone to see his eyes. The teacher had taken away Freshs sunglasses and his parents have to come get them back for him Fresh was ticked off but he would live.
"Well now i cant open my eyes" Fresh said in an annoyed tone. The teacher just scoffed and then yelled at Jammy and Fresh to do extra laps Fresh had to run 50 and Jammy had to run 100.
"Hey why does he have to run its my fault hes late" Fresh said, he wasnt lying tho hes the one who lost track of time. The teacher looked at Fresh.
"Well then you run 150 laps" he told Fresh. Jammy tried to tell Fresh to let him run at least a little bit, but Fresh had already made up his mind. Fresh suprisingly finished in the first 15 minutes of class and he didnt even open his eyes.  Jammy was so happy that he could finish before class ended and with time to spare. The jocks wanted him to join i whole bunch of diffrent sport teams. Fresh didnt want to be rude so he accepted all of them and tryed out for every team and made it on all of them Jammy was so proud of Fresh.

~There is only going to be three sport teams cause im lazy the sports are basketball soccer and football anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter and bye~

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