Vid-Con day 2... Sucks...

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•••Sky's POV•••


Ellie and I sang coming outside, doing a awesome dance she choreographed.

I haven't seen Connor since Starbucks, where did that little child go....?

•••Connors POV•••

I was riding with JC when he told me what he thought of Ellie and Sky...

"YOU WHAT!?" I asked slamming on my brakes.

"Connor, I wouldn't take them from you OR Ricky, you guys are like my brothers"

"Whatever, explain that to Ricky"

•••Ellie's POV•••

Sky looked worried.. and she was freezing.

"Ricky, go to the back room and get sky's sweater" I told him, and he did so.

"SKY! Here" and I tossed her her sweater.

"Thank ya"

"Any time"

•••Sky's POV•••

"Some nights I stay up, cashin in my bad luck..." I sang as the beginning
to some nights started playing.

Connor and Jc weren't here....


"LIAM!" I screamed running over to my world- famous brother.

My brother, Liam and I aren't real siblings, his parents adopted me when I was 13.

"Wait... you said you'd bring the cheeky little monkey the next time you saw me... and it's the next time.. so..."

"Of course I brought Niall , he wouldn't let me leave without me taking him" he said as Niall walked out.

"SKYLAR!" Niall said as I ran to him.

"Hey Connor and Jc, were y'all been?" I heard Kian say and I realized Niall and I were still hugging.....

"CON!" I yelled releasing Niall and running to Connor.... but he didn't hug back....

"You ok... Oh god"

I saw Rebecca behind him.

"I- I gotta go"

I ran past them... I ran out of the building... and to the hotel room.

Why is she still running... she should just die anyway...

Was all I read on twitter.

I ran to the bathroom, grabbed the blade... and heard a soft knock followed by a soft voice...

"Sky?" who was this person in my room.

"Who are you"

"I'm Angel, Sam's girlfriend"

"What do you want"

"Don't cut.."

"Just go away"

"I'm a fan, I know you stopped cutting once you dated Connor, and that's what I'm doing with sam, I stopped, can you?"

Then I thought to myself... can I?

Sad, depressed, and youtube obsessed ( connor franta fan-fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora