New friends, Meet the old!

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"Amanda? Wanna come to Chipotle with us?"

I was a year older then amanda.

"Sure! Can Matthew come though?"

"Of course!"

"Ok, the one on 3rd? or NewBerry?"


"Ok! see ya soon!"

I hung up with amanda.

"CONNOR!CONNOR!CONNER!" I yelled, which caused Lily to laugh.


"CAN WE INVITE MADDIE!"Maddie was Connors best-friend other then O2L.

"Of course"

Most girls would be upset if there boyfriend/fiancé had a girl best friend.

But I didn't, she was an amazing friend too... an she had GORGEOUS light blue eyes and really blonde-blonde hair.

•••Lily's POV•••

Sky was so pretty, and I was so excited to meet her- but I'm here with my wonderful, amazing boyfriend who I love.

•••Connors POV•••

WhenSky said she wanted to invite Maddie, I wanted to tell her she was in Hawaii....

But I can't say no to Sky.

•••Sky's POV•••

We walked to the chipotle since it was just a block or two.

"AMANDA!" I yelled running inside. luckily no one else was there.

"SKY!" She yelled, which caused everyone to laugh.

"MATT!" I screamed, and gave him a hug.

"Hey, Sky" he said.

I was sad Maddie couldn't come... but all my new friends met the old, and the old met the new.

I'm lucky to have both.

Sad, depressed, and youtube obsessed ( connor franta fan-fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant