One more... Revival

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Hiya everyone, how are all of you? Welcome to the sequel of Homeless, this is going to be better than the last one... Hopefully. Comment and let me know what you think, and vote if you want.

Brent's P.O.V

Opening my eyes again was difficult, especially because I couldn't see. Moving around I desperately push against the wooden cage i'm laying in. "God damn it, they buried me."

Moving my hands against my pants I feel for anything I can use for a light and laugh when I feel a small square object. Squeezing my hand into my pocket I pull it out and flip it open, striking the flint, a spark of flame appears from the small zippo. Lifting my head I stare at the coffin, chipping and old, easily a box that they probably made from old wood. "I few more years and I probably would be encased in dirt instead of a box."

Sighing I lay my head down against the hard wood, "Okay, how the hell am I gonna get outta here?"

Pushing on the lid of the casket, dirt immediately showers my face. Coughing I turn my head and spit out the offending powder, "God damn it, how the hell am I going to get out of here without suffocating?"

'Check your pocket Brent.'

I immediately sigh and reach into my other pocket, a small jingling sound makes me laugh. Pulling it out a light blue light fills the casket, "Thank you."

Looking at the small blue swirling light it slowly drains from the small vial attached to a bright silver chain, sighing at the familiar feeling of power in my system I push it all towards the roof of the casket. Immediately the air begins to stir and the ground itself starts to shake, putting a little bit more force I place my hands against the roof and channel the power through my hands. Light crackles around my hands, I close my eyes and turn my head as the wood and dirt blow away from me. Finally seeing the light of the sun I sit up and take a huge swallow of air, standing up and dusting off my cloths I finally see what i'm really wearing and can't help but roll my eyes. "You guys really dressed me up in a suit, of all things to dress me up in and you pick a suit."

Groaning I pull myself out of my shallow grave and stand up on the grass, stretching my arms above my head I sigh when my entire back cracks. Quickly going through a few stretches I look around my surroundings, groaning loudly I look at the forest that surrounds me on all sides. "Of course they buried me in the middle of nowhere."

Looking around I start walking towards the far left, I really hope that I can get out of these woods. 

Time skip... Four hours later.

Why couldn't those idiots just bury me in some area near a fucking town, why in the middle of no where? Though finding the road was easier than I thought, I found it in the first hour, now I'm just walking along a straight road. My legs hurt, my feet hurt, my back hurts and all I want to do is lay down and sleep. Letting out a small sigh I place a hand on my growling stomach, "Don't worry, the next building that sells food with be raided so quickly it'll make my head spin."

Pulling off my jacket I throw it into the ditch on the side of the road and keep walking. Running a hand through my hair I squint my eyes in confusion when I only run a hand through an inch instead of the normal two and a half. "Those bastards cut my hair too, just another reason to beat their asses when I see them."

I start to mumble under my breath and think of the many ways I'm gonna see Dean again, and I can't help the smile that breaks out on my face. Snapping out of my daze I look behind me and do a mental cheer when I see a sleek red car coming my way. Unbuttoning the top two notches on my shirt I let out a sigh of relief. Holding out my left hand I wait on the side of the road, and slowly but surely the car slows to a stop next to me. The passenger side window rolls down to reveal a middle aged woman, with graying hair, a golden wedding band and a beautiful ring on next to it. I smile and walk up to the window, "Hey, my car blew a tire a long way back, I've been walking for like three hours now and my phone died earlier. Do you think I could get a ride to the nearest town?"

The woman smiles and nods her head, "Sure, I'm heading into town anyway. It's only a twenty minute drive from here, hop in."

Smiling I open up the door and hop in, closing the door she starts driving again. It wasn't until we were at least five minutes into the drive that I got the all to familiar vibe from her, sighing I turn to look at her. "You know you can't hide who you are from me, why bother with the cloaking."

She laughs and turns towards me, "It only took a few minutes to figure it out, I guess being dead for a year can really put a damper on your senses."

My eyes bug out and I stare at her in shock, "I've been dead for a year, he was supposed to send me back after we finished talking, and why would he send an angel to find me. I thought all of you are kinda out of his reach?"

"Normally yes, but I'm special. And you did go back right after your conversation, god simply made it so four hours in his little bar, is a year here. I'm simply here to deliver a message and give you these."

She lets go of the wheel, which I immediately take and steer us back into order. She reaches behind her and grabs a bag and pulls it into the front seat. Letting go of the wheel, she takes it back and focuses on driving. "It's cloths and food, he said you would need both. He also told me to tell you this, I don't know what it means but here it is, "He's in Battle Creek Michigan. Don't expect the reunion you've been imagining, things have changed, and some things for the worse."

Looking down I grab the bag of Doritos and devour them, and then move onto the burger. When I finally finish the food I look at the clothes she picked out for me. "Can you do the whole switchy thing?"

She sighs and snaps her fingers, and one second I'm wearing an uncomfortable dirty suit, the next, i'm squeaky clean and I'm wearing a black leather jacket and a plain grey t-shirt. Looking down at my shoes and pants I smile, a pair of black boots and black jeans replaced my dress pants and horrid dress shoes. "At least you have good taste in clothes."

"It's not me, the woman i'm currently inhabiting was a fashion designer. I simple used her experiences as a reference. I think I did well, now hold tight. I'm suppose to take you to Michigan and I am so not driving there."

She places her hand on my shoulder, and instead of pushing her out, I let her take me with her. 

Battle Creek, Michigan... Outside a quaint little house

Letting out a small cough I turn to the angel and smile, "Thank you, you have no idea what you've done for me."

"Don't worry, we'll be seeing each other again. You can repay me then, just remember, you won't be expecting the reunion with whoever lives here to go the way you want."

"I've been dead for a year, if it went any other way than the way I think it will, than I have positively seen everything. This coming from an Atheist that's met god."

She laughs and looks at me again, "Good luck Brent, I'll be seeing you soon."

She disappears without another word leaving me to shake my head and laugh, "That doesn't sound ominous at all."

Shaking my head one last time I walk up the small sidewalk to the door of the house, that I'm slightly dreading to knock on. Standing in front of the door I take a deep breath, raise my hand and ring the door bell. Every moment I stand there causes my heart to race even faster, I'm about to turn around and leave when I the door opens, revealing the man that became my home. Those piercing green eyes and spiked dirty blonde hair, smiling I look him into the eyes. "Hi Dean."

His mouth drops open and disbelief crosses his features, "Brent?"

"Who is it babe?"

Shocked by the sudden voice I look past Dean and see a woman standing next to a small boy, who I can't help but notice looks a lot like Dean. Dean turns to look back at the woman, "Just an old friend, someone I thought I would never see again."

As soon as the word comes out of his mouth I can't help but feel my heart crack just a little, Especially when the little boy runs up to Dean and launches himself into Deans arms, "Dad."

A tear falls down my cheek and I stare at Dean with a heartbroken smile, with a small nod I turn and walk away. Not bothering to turn around and look at the life I could've had...before I died.

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