One More... Morning

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Wow.... ummm... yeah that happened, hahaha. So whatcha guys think about that, did I do a good job, I've never really written smut before. I feel like I could of done better, maybe I'll ask one of my friends who literally write smut for a living to write mine, not literally but you know, anyway, onto the next chapter... yeah, enjoy.. ughhh

Brent's P.O.V

I don't think I ever had that great of sleep before, smiling I stretch my arms over my head and reach over to the other side of the bed, only for shock to register when my hand touches a solid form. Memories of last night slowly begin to enter my mind and a bigger smile forms on my face, turning over I wrap an arm around Dean's waist. Looking up at his face, he's already looking down at me with a tired smile, "Well good morning, how do you feel?"

Shifting in the bed I realize my entire lower back has a slight throb, but it wasn't bad, if fact it just seemed to be going away as the seconds went by. "I feel great, another benefit to my genes is that I heal a lot quicker, I guess that includes sex pains."

Smirking when he groans loudly I bring my leg over his hip and sit on his hips, and lean towards his face. His hands lift to my waist and slide up to my chest, his thumbs run over the bruises that are still there from last night. "I guess it's only inner pains, because you are still beautifully marked."

Smirking I bring my lips to his and place a small kiss on his lips, "You know, when I woke up... I was so scared that this was a dream. Then I saw you faced away from me, and I couldn't help but stare."

Laughing I kiss him again, "I was right, you are a sap."

He chuckles and grips my hips tighter, "Only for you."

Laughing, I barely notice the quickly approaching steps, and I throw myself out of the bed when the bedroom door throws itself open, revealing a disheveled  Sam. "Guys, get... OH MY GOD."

Looking up from the side of the bed, I stare at Sam while Dean covers himself with a blanket. "Hey, knock next time."

Sam looks away and I quickly dive underneath the blankets next to Dean, Dean looks at Sam confused and then looks at me. "We were so loud last night, how did he not hear us?"

I smile and tuck myself even further, "I may or may not of put a little barrier around the room, it keeps the sound in here, so no one out there can hear it. Cas taught me how to do it, you know.. before everything... He said it was so you could torture a demon or monster without alerting others, I figured I could use it this way too."

He smiles and chuckles, soon chuckles turn into full blown laughter. "Cas taught you how to make a sound proof bubble which you then use to make it so they can't hear us fuck? Oh my god Brent I love you."

Smiling a small blush spreads across my face, a throat clearing loudly making us snap our attention towards Sam. "As happy as I am for you guys, we need you downstairs. Apparently Cas needs our help, something about an Angel coming to talk to us."

Nodding my head I look at him, "Did Cas ask about me?"

He smiles, "Yeah, I told him everything, he's ecstatic, he said that the next chance he gets he's gonna have a long chat with you."

Smiling I look at Dean, who's staring at me with sparkling eyes. "Okay Sam, get out so we can get dressed."

He nods and closes the door behind him as he leaves, uncovering myself I stand up and look back at Dean, who's just staring at me. Rolling my eyes I lean over the bed and place a kiss on his lips. Pulling away I look him in the eyes, "Come on Dean, stop admiring my ass and get a move on. We can't stay here all day."

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