One More... Deal kept

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Welcome to the end guys, I know, I know... trust me I'm sad too... not really cause I can wait to write the next one. Though you guys can guess by the pic above that this isn't going to be a happy ending... 

Brent's P.O.V

Meg went into hiding shortly after we saved her, apparently Crowley still had beef with her, and no matter how much I said I could protect her, she said she wouldn't put everyone in harms way. She and Cas shared a quick heated kiss and I was scarred for life. Dean and my relationship sailed, we were horn-dogs and we probably didn't leave the bedroom on the weekends, except if we were on cases, sometimes even then we would get our own motel room so Sam wouldn't hear. I tried to offer to put up a bubble, but he said that he could feel the vibrations and it was better for us to get a different room. Things got complicated soon after that, a Demon called Abaddon, actually saying she was a demon is an understatement, she was a knight of hell, the last of her kind. Her power was able to harm even me, trust me she was a bitch. That was until we found out about a mark, the Mark of Cain to be exact. I was really not wanting to work with Crowley, but at the moment, Sam and Dean weren't really talking and we had no choice. When we found the home of Cain, I could smell the evil leaking off of the very building, not only that, but when Cain appeared, I could just... I can't even explain the evil that radiated off of the mark on him. Dean wanted to use it and when I tried to convince him otherwise, Chuck intervened. He contacted me while the meeting was going on...


Shivering as Cain's gaze flashes to me for the umpteenth time I look over at Dean, "Maybe we should go, I don't thi...."

"Brent don't!"

Growling I shake my head and turn away from Dean, "I'll be right back, I need some air."

Standing up I send a shaky nod to Cain and glare at Crowley who is shaking in his seat, which only causes him to shrink farther. Walking out the front door I glare at the sky, throwing out a angry pulse of grace towards the sky I scream in my mind. "Why do you want all this to happen, by giving him the Mark, you are damning him and everyone on this earth."

"Brent, please understand. I cannot see everything, all I know is that this must happen. Dean is about to topple the first domino in a row that was set before the earth was even thought of."

Raging in my own mind I send another angry pulse, "You send me back and have me fall in love with him, tell me that we are going to be happy together... I don't think I can uphold my end... I don't think I can do it."

"Brent, everything will work out I promise, but he is going to need the motivation."

"I... *Sigh*... I know. Doesn't mean I have to like it."

"Trust me, if there was another way, I would happily take it, but the way things are going... It is the only option."

Groaning I turn and look back towards the door and watch as Dean walks out with a wide eyed Crowley. "You guys ready to go?"

Dean smiles and nods, "Yep, let's go."

Nodding my head I let out a shaky breath and hop in the front of the Impala and quickly wipe away a stray tear that escaped my eye.

End of Flashback...

It was probably one of the hardest things I had to agree too, but it had to be done for the greater good of everyone. We found an amazing Bunker in Lebanon, Kansas, It belonged to the Men of Letters, which apparently is the bookworm community of the hunting world. Dean ended up taking the mark without me knowing, he knew I would've tried to stop him, with or without Gods permission. So once I saw him again it was so much harder look at him, I could already see the darkness corrupting him like Cain. He grew angrier and angrier, but he still had his same soft caring side too. Until Abbadon made an appearance again, she tried to kill me, but Dean got to her first. He butchered her and he seemed to enjoy it. That was when it happened... God contacted me. 


"Brent, it's time."

"I know, I felt the shift. I could feel her, she's waking up."

"Say your goodbyes."

Sighing I stand in the center of the Bunker and look around the large room with the large table, "Sam, Dean... Can you guys come here... I..."

It doesn't take long for them to come and see my heartbroken face, Dean is immediately next to me with my face in his hands. "Brent, what's going on, are you okay?"

Turning my head away a tear slips from my eye and I gasp, "This is going to be so hard."

I look Dean in the eyes and back up, he takes a step forward and I put my hand up. "I'm leaving..."

Sam and Dean's eyes widen, Sam takes a step forward, "Why, what's going on?"

Shaking my head a few more tears escape my blurry eyes, "Something bad is going to happen in the coming years, I need to leave to prevent it. I just can't bring you with me."

Dean shakes his head and looks angry, "Why the hell are you leaving?! We've always dealt with these things together. Why are you leaving now?"

A sob escapes my throat, "I have no choice Dean, if I don't prepare for this, you and Sam and everyone I love will die... do you understand me. You will die, and I would rather lose you temporarily and have you hate me... than have you love me and be dead."

A tear escapes his eye, followed by another. He groans and wipes them away and stone faces. Sighing I take a step forward, "Dean, don't hide your feelings. They're what make you the man I fell in love with. Promise me you won't stop feeling."

A tear runs down his cheek and he starts to slowly let's the tears fall, "I wish I didn't feel a damn thing."

Wiping away a tear running down his cheek, I place a small kiss on his lips. "Promise me, you will feel, promise me you'll try to stay out of trouble."

He looks deep into my eyes and I can see the sadness in them, and without another word he turns around and leaves the room. A gasp escapes my throat, followed by a sob. Collapsing down into a chair I take off the cross necklace and allow my tears to drop onto it. Focusing on everything inside me, I pull my own grace from my body, and pour half of it into the cross. A light blue swirl pushes into the cross followed by a dark tendril as I pour half of my demon side into it too. Grabbing a knife from my boot I look up at Sam, "Make sure he gets this, it will protect him... and tell him if he holds it and thinks of me... I'll be there."

Cutting a small cut into my finger, a drop of blood flows over the cross and the cross begins to glow. Smiling I hold it out in front of me. "There, this amulet is as much apart of me as my skin. As long as he has it, I'll be with him."

Standing up a few more tears escape, I move over to Sam and hold out my hand. He lightly takes the necklace and smiles a sad smile. "Do you have to go?"

"I do... Take care of him Sam, please. He's going to need you, more than ever in the years to come. Just.. don't leave him, not like me."

"We'll see you again Brent, and until then..."

He quickly pulls me into a hug, which only makes me cry harder. Pulling away I turn my head, "You two have made me so happy, you two gave me a home when I had none. Keep yourselves alive, I want my home to be intact when I come back."

He chuckles and nods, taking a step back I smile. "Goodbye Sam, tell Dean I love him."

Reaching out to God I nod my head, "I'm ready Chuck."

"Good, let's get started."

Without another sound or word, I'm gone from the room and sitting in a bar in front of God. 

End of Flashback...

Looking down at the boys through the pool Chuck made, I smile. "I hope this doesn't take long, I can't wait to see them again."

He laughs and sets a hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry Brent, the coming years will pass by in a flash for you."

"Good, let's get started. We have a lot to do if we're going to stop The Darkness."

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