One more...Journal

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Hey everybody, how are all of you, and are you tired of me asking you that? It seems a bit repetitive seeing as no one every answers... II'm also sure that nobody even reads this part of the chapter. If you do read this, answer this question... If you were to have Sam and Dean or Jensen and Jared knock on your door, what would you do?

Brent's P.O.V

It was dark in the room and outside when I woke up, I sat up and looked around the room. Sam was sleeping on the other bed and I couldn't see Dean, not only because of the dark, but also cause he wasn't in here. Sighing I realize he's probably on the couch downstairs, standing up I look around the room and then to Sam. Smirking I sneak over and tickle his nose slightly, immediately his hand slaps to his face and I have to hold in a chuckle. Walking away from Sam I spot a journal on the desk in the far corner, I immediately think that it's not mine and that I should read it, but my curiosity gets the better of me. Tip toeing over to the desk I slip into the seat and flick on the small reading lamp. Running my hand over the cover I unlatch the cover and pull it open to the first page, and the first thing I notice is this isn't a journal, at least not fully. Its a journal full of letters to me, all written by Dean. My heart skips a beat and I start reading. 

March 20 2009

Dear Brent,

It's been two weeks since Cas knocked you out and put a preserving spell on you, I don't trust it, but Cas is insistent that it will keep you safe until we find a way to keep you safe. It's been hard for all of us, Cas is more determined  to save you then he ever has us. I worry about him though, he's kinda losing it. But other than that everything is all right, we figured out a way to get Sam's soul back, it's not a good one, and now we owe Death a favor. Yep you read that right, we met Death himself. Well technically we met death when we were fighting Lucifer, but that was different. Sam is back to his old self, and remembers everything he did when he was soulless, he's not exactly okay at the moment. He's beating himself up for it, as per the Winchester way. I can hear you now giving some speech about how it wasn't his fault, succeeding in getting him to talk and still insulting him at the same time. I never could understand how you can be so sincere in your rants and yet have hidden jabs in them, in all honesty, it's kinda quiet here. We'll figure this out Brent, we'll get you back... Just hold on.

From Dean

Smiling I reread the note and laugh, turning the page I read over the next one.

April 12 2009

Dear Brent,

We had a lead on how to save you but it didn't go anywhere, Cas is kinda distancing himself from us. We've tried to talk to him, but all he says is he's doing whatever he can to get you back. I just know that he's gonna do something stupid, it's Cas, he always does stupid things for the people he cares about, he's practically a Winchester. I honestly don't know how we're going to get you out of this one, I need you to stay strong. Sam is constantly looking through book after book, Bobby does the same and I... well lets just say that I need a shower every time I come home, and no it's not of the fun variety, I've taken to hunting alone... Bobby and Sam try to argue me out of it, but they gave up trying. I think I'm losing it...

Frowning I look over the page again, "Oh Dean, you know what I would have said to you... you're an idiot is one word that comes to mind."

Looking at the next page I can't help but notice this one is a few months later.

September 22 2009

Dear Brent, 

It's been awhile since I wrote one of these... I.. honestly don't know what to write, more bad news, more dead ends, more regret and guilt. How are you so deep under my skin, it's like an itch that won't go away, I can't get you out of my head lately. When I don't think about you it's because I'm drunk and even then you appear more, how did you weasel your way into my life, and how are you tearing it up from the inside. Having you near me causes my heart to race and my palms to sweat, I get all nervous, I don't show it but I do. Then when you're away I get all depressed almost, I feel the same, but at the same time it's like I can tell that you aren't there... like it's one bulb burnt out in a array of many, not visible to the naked eye, but still noticeable, still driving you insane trying to figure out what's wrong. And now that you're gone, but not gone... I... It's hard, I don't know why, I honestly don't, what did you do to me Brent?

My heart races as I reread the last letter, and I can't help the hope and joy that races through my mind and heart. Flipping to the next page I read the last letter he wrote...

December 16 2009

Dear Brent, 

We found something, we really found something... it's a necklace left by the first Siphoner, it's suppose to regulate your powers and store excess power in it for you to tap into later. Apparently it was made by god, he took a liking to the first Siphoner and in a romantic way that is. He gave this to her as a gift so she would never lose herself in her power, apparently it's being pawned off by a few millionaires a few miles away from here. Sam and I are on our way there now, if everything goes to plan we'll be back to wake you up in the next few days. You're coming home, and Brent... I figured out what I'm feeling, I had to have Sam help me figure my feeling out... embarrassing right? I couldn't believe it when I figured it out... I think I'm in love with you.

Somewhere in the time I was reading I lifted the book closer to my face, my eyes widening more and more as I read. Until finally the shock is to much, the book drops out of my hands and onto the floor. Sam doesn't budge an inch, but I can hear footsteps in the distance. My shock doesn't allow me to move, all my thoughts jumble into one and I can't even think. My eyes trail up the wood of the door as it creeks open and a shadowed face of Dean pokes in, "Brent you okay, I heard something drop."

I look at him with wide eyes and look down at the book, his eyes follow mine, and when his eyes meet mine again, their as wide as mine. "Dean... Is it true?"

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