One More... Perfectly laid Trap

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Hey everyone, how are all of you? This chapter is going to be interesting, let me know what you think once you read it. anyway, enjoy.

Brent's P.O.V.

Glaring at the group of demons in front of me I scream, "Crowley just didn't get the message, why is he still sending he lackeys to do his dirty work?"

A demon steps forward, a woman with long brown hair and a sinister smile. Smirking myself, I take a step forward and chuckle when I spot two of the others flinch, but she doesn't in fact she seems to get bolder. "You are different from the others, you aren't afraid of me. In fact, you seem a little too confident."

She smiles and looks around, "Maybe it's because we aren't the only ones here."

Throwing my head back I groan and turn around, "So, heaven and hell are working together."

I glare at the five angels standing in a line a few feet behind me. Smirking I look back at the demons, "It's amazing what a common enemy can make both side do. I wonder though, I've already killed so many of both of your kind, what makes you think you can take me now."

An Angel clears her throat causing me to turn around and look at her questioningly, her body was that of an emo teenager, maybe eighteen at the most, tattoos cover her arms and her nose is pierced. "You can't take us all, even you can't handle siphoning Demons and Angels at the same time."

Sighing I look at the ground, "You're right, that's why I'm not going to siphon you, just kill you straight out."

The angel's quickly disappear, and the demons follow after. I glare around the ruins of the town they all destroyed to get to me, all those innocents killed. "Give me back control!"

"Never, you were wasting your abilities helping the innocent. We both know you are better off like this, now that Dean has seen you like this, he's probably going to come kill you."

"No, he wouldn't... we.. we're friends, he wouldn't..."

 "Oh, but he would. Because you're a monster, and do you know what Dean does to monsters, he kills them, just like he's gonna kill you."

Looking around the voice in my head slowly disappears and I glare at the building the Demons and Angels converged in. "You guys are making this too easy."

Blowing the doors off the hinges I step in and I'm hit with an all too familiar presence in the room. I walk farther into the room, but suddenly I hear yelling. "NOW!"

Eyes widening I turn to run, but it's too late. Fire sprouts from the ground and up into the air, reaching my hand to touch it, I scream when it burns like someone set my whole body in lava. Staring at my hand, a blue silver light heals my disintegrated fingers, and slowly they reform. "I guess it's a good thing I'm part angel."

Spinning around in a circle I glare at the fire as it starts to burn up the carpet beneath me, very familiar lines begin to take shape in the scorched decor. "Angel/Demon trap. How very clever, I was wondering how long it would take you three to find me. Just didn't think you would figure out about the trap."

Turning around I glare at the three men entering the room, "I could've sworn I came in here sensing angels and demons, why didn't I sense you?"

Dean remains silent and walks around the circle, and Sam looks at me in confusion, but it's not his look that throws me off. "You have your soul back Sam."

He nods his head and walks a little closer to the trap, "Death himself got it back for me, I just wasn't expecting this when I could finally think for myself. What happened Brent?"

Laughing I look to the sulking Dean, and a very confused Castiel. "He doesn't remember does he, which means you didn't tell him."

Neither talk which gives me the only answer I need and I burst into hysterics, tears stream down my eyes as I laugh. "Let me get this straight, you bring him to hunt me down and kill me, but you didn't tell him why I went on this little rampage of mine."

All three men stare at me in shock and I look back at them in confusion, "What?"

Dean steps forward and for the first time in awhile, I stop and stare at him. He looks up at me with a tear running down his face, "We're not here to kill you Brent, we're here to bring you home. We need you Brent, I need you."

I glare around the room as inner Brent starts to break through, "Let me out, I want control of myself!"

"No, you're weak without me. Remember what Castiel did, remember that he left ."

"I don't care, I can't lose them, I don't want to lose him... GIVE.. ME... BACK... CONTROL!!!"

Screaming, I clutch my head and collapse to my knees. Screaming louder as the black veins in my face begin to drain from my eyes and nose. Throwing my head back I look at Sam, Dean and Castiel pleadingly. "PLEASE MAKE IT STOP, KILL ME PLEASE, PLEASE MAKE HIM STOP!"

I can hear Sam and Dean yelling at Castiel, and when I look over Castiel jumps over the holy fire and to my side. He kneels down by my side, his arms and legs scorching, but all he does is grab me by my face and looks me in the eyes, "Brent, you are the strongest person in this room. I know that I can never make up for the wrongs I have done you, but you must come back to us, to me, to Sam, to Dean."

Tears mix with the black goop running down my cheeks, I look at him pleadingly. "Dad please, I don't care what you did, just.. .please make it stop."

Castiel's voice falters and he stares at me in shock before nodding his head and looking me deeper in my bleeding eyes, "Don't fight me Brent, if we're going to figure this out, we need to get you back to Bobby's. I want to make the pain as small as possible so I am going to shut down your brain almost completely. Only allowing it to function on a basic level, only allowing it to keep you alive, and not allowing you to think or feel. Okay? I need you to let me in."

I nod my head and scream as another  wave of pain washes through my body, two fingers pushing against forehead, my inner self starts to resist, pushing against Castiel's power. But I quickly intervene. "Oh no you don't."

Deep inside Brent's mind...

You know when they say someone is having a battle in their own mind, this is quite literal for me. Glaring at my doppelganger shove him against a wall I built behind him mentally, "You may be part of me, but you won't control me."

He laughs and looks into my eyes, his being black and white, whereas mine are the normal shade of brown. "You are weak, I made us strong, didn't it feel good to kill those angel, to kill those demons?"

He shoves me back and I stumble, regaining my balance I throw out a punch, which he quickly blocks and throws punch of his own. Ducking under his fist I lash out my right hand and it hits him in the side of his face, and a searing pain on the left side of my face sends me stumbling to the side just like him. "That was comical, this is just like those old TV shows where the two people are to evenly matched so they are constantly blocking and hitting each other at the same time."

Looking up at the demon me I glare, only for the ground we're standing on to start shaking. Looking around part of my mind begin to shut down, and soon I start to feel the effects. "Looking like I kept you distracted long enough, how about we enjoy a nap."

He screams and runs towards me only to disappear in a cloud of smoke, leaving me to face the darkness swirling towards me alone. "I'll see you boys when you figure it out, and I honestly don't care, when I get out of here, i'm going to kiss you Dean."

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