One More... Angelic Slaughter

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Yeah.... hehe, didn't see that one coming did you. Let me know what you think of Brent now, and how are Sam, Dean and Castiel gonna get him back. You'll see soon... Enjoy.

Brent's P.O.V

I smirk and look around, shadowed wings litter the ground, angel blades scatter and roll down the street. Looking around the small street I laugh, "Come on Heaven, is that all you got? I'm just a human, and you can't kill me, THIS IS PATHETIC!"

Walking down the street I look at the fires burning away cars and buildings, all people either gone or dead. None killed by me, I may be on a vendetta but I wouldn't kill innocents. I hum a small tune and walk a little slower, already sensing the incoming angels. Turning and glaring I sigh, "I guess you haven't learned your lesson yet."

The three angels let their angel blades show and get into a fighting stance, but before they can even move, I start to drain them. Coughing, all three of them collapse to the ground, walking forward I continue to drain them, laughing the exhilarating feeling of their grace coursing through my system. They continue to hack and cough as I come closer, I smirk as one spits up blood. Ripping their blades out of their hands, I forcefully shove their blades into their chests with their own power. Closing my eyes I groan as they scream, their screams echo through my head and the sky. Bright light rips from their mouths and eyes, before they all collapse and their wings scorch the earth. Turning around I nearly miss the familiar smell of Sulfur, "Demons? don't tell me heaven and hell are working together now?"

Turning back towards the bodies of the angels, twelve demons stand around the bodies, including the "Great King" himself. "Ahh, Crowley. How's hell?"

"Hello my favorite little leech. Hell's fine, it's heaven that is apparently on your bad side."

Sneering at the nickname I gesture towards the demons behind him, "What's with the not so armed guards? Don't think you can take me alone?"

"Oh I know I can't, these are just a little insurance incase our deal goes south."

Glaring, I lift up my hand, causing one of the demons to start burning. His skin boils as light begins to pour through his cracked skin. Blood pools from his eyes and his screams drag the attention of the others around him. More and more light begins to pour out of him until he literally explodes, showering the other demons in guts and blood. Smirking I look at Crowley, "It's funny what a little angel grace in a demon can do."

Stepping forward I glare, "Let's get one thing straight you cheap imitation of Lucifer, it's not just Heaven I have a problem with. My parents screwed me over, my Angelic father, and my Demonic mother. So no, I won't be making any deals with you."

Stepping forward another demon implodes in a flash of light, "What I will do is kill your minions one by one, until only you are left. Then I will send you back to your pit, where you will sit on a throne that will never truly be yours, where you will be constantly reminded that the only reason you're still alive is because I allowed it."

Lifting my hand I slowly clench my fist, and all his demons simultaneously implode upon themselves. Smirking I glare at the "King" of hell, I can see his nervousness and he visible swallows. "Bullocks."

Without another word he disappears into thin air, leaving me to turn around and walk away. 

Dean's P.O.V...

I can't do it, I can't do it, I can't do it. I continue to pace back and forth as I wait for Castiel to get back, he said that an angel sent him a message about Brent, and he would be back. I turn and look at Sam who is sitting in the far corner of the living room at Bobby's house looking nervous too. It's been three weeks since Brent went all bad-shit crazy, not that I blame him, I would have too. It's also been two weeks since Death gave Sam back his soul, he's been a little distant but he's back to his old self. Looking at Bobby who's sitting behind his desk looking over another book about Siphoners I can't help but groan, "What's taking him so long, he should be back by now."

Bobby looks up from his book and sighs, "Dean, you need to calm down. He'll be back, just relax."

Snapping I turn and glare, "I can't Bobby, this is Brent we're talking about. We can't just..."

A familiar woosh of air makes me turn towards the kitchen, and from the look on Castiel's face, I can tell the news is bad. "What is it Cas, what's goin on?"

Cas quickly walks over to the couch and stumbles into it, I quickly skirt over there and steady him. He looks positively destroyed, "He's lost it Dean, he.. he's killed over forty Angels in the last three weeks, and eleven Demons. The more he kills, the stronger he gets, and the chances of saving him become less."

Setting him down on the couch I pace again, think about all the things I could have done to stop this. I shouldn't have looked at him like that, he's been holding that all in for so long and when he tells me, even if it was by force, I can barely look at him. I don't know why I couldn't, I just... it made me question everything I've ever known. It made me look at him differently, and not in a bad way, and it scared me. Yelling I punch the wall and it dents from the impact, "God damn it, we need to find a way to get to him. We need to get through to him, he's losing it."

I look over at Bobby and look at him pleadingly, "Please tell me you have something Bobby."

He sighs and looks up from his book, "Well, it's not much, but we have a way to trap him. He won't be able to escape, it'll strip him of his powers, just like any other trap."

Smiling I take a step forward, "That's good, what do we need?"

"It's just a simple Demon trap surrounded in Holy fire, both traps should keep him locked up, he won't be able to escape even with his human side."

"It's not that simple is it?"


Turning towards Cas, he stands up with new determination. "Not only do we need to lure him, but the trap will only hold for so long. Do to his demon and angel side, they will counteract the opposite species trap. Not only that, but his human half will be fighting against the trap too. The last time it was used, it only lasted half a day."

"Well then, lets do this. How are we going to lure him though?"

"I have already requested a few angels to come and assist us, he will not be able to resist the urge to kill them. He will follow them, and when he does, we will trap him."

Looking around the room I look at the remaining members of Team freewill, "Are we sure we want to do this?"

Sam smiles and stands up, "The only other option is to kill him, and I'm not gonna do that."

I smile and pat his shoulder, looking at Cas he walks forward. "I failed my son long ago, I will not fail him again."

Looking at Bobby he shakes his head and smiles, "Well I don't want him to die either, but I am gonna stay here and do some more research. I'm not gonna be of any use over there, I'll call and let you know if I find anything else out."

Smiling I nod my head, turning towards the door Sam and Cas follow closely behind me. 'I'm coming for you Brent, I promise."

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