One More...Epilogue

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Mysterious Figure's P.O.V

Sighing the figure steps through the building, "Of course Crowley would keep her here."

Looking around the figure continues to sense his way through the building, he didn't need his training to know that the very air was shrouded in the darkness. Laughing at the unconscious demon laying in the middle of the hallway he steps over the body, and keeps moving. An unconscious body laying outside a door was one he was more concerned with, kneeling down next to the body he turns over the overgrown man. "Sam Winchester as I live and breath, hold on... "

Turning his head towards the large door he can hear a female voice that leaked evil, and the voice of two men that he recognized. Sighing he stands up and places a hand on the door, it shakes and blows off it's hinges. Stepping forward he looks at the scene in front of him, Crowley is pushed up against a wall with a broken arm, and Dean shoved against a pillar. All heads snap towards him and he chuckles, "Well well well, isn't this a spectacular scene. Crowley the knock-off King of Hell, Dean Winchester the famous hunter, and Amara... we all know who you are, or at least I do."

Smirking I send her a glare, she turns around fully and faces the man. "And how would you know that? actually I would like to know who you are."

Laughing he walks past her and towards Crowley, waving a hand his wrist snaps back into place and Crowley lets out a pained yelp. "How I know who you are isn't important, let's just say we have a mutual friend. As for who I am, well, I'm called a Siphoner. Except at the same time I'm not, I've become something more."

Snapping his fingers, Crowley and Dean drop to the floor. The man looks at Crowley and glares, "Don't think about going anywhere Crowley, we have some talking to do."

Turning back to the teenage version of The Darkness he smiles, "Now, I think it's time you go."

She smirks and sneers, "If you know who I am, then you know what I'm capable of."

Her hand lifts into the air and black tendrils move towards him, he yawns and holds up a hand. With a shocked expression Amara is thrown across the room, "You are still an infant Amara, you couldn't hurt me even if you wanted too."

She groans and stands up, "Fine, I'll go. But this isn't over."

Smiling he looks at Dean, "Oh I know.."

He doesn't even need to look to tell she's gone, turning his full body towards Dean he crosses his arms and glares playfully. "Dean Winchester, didn't I tell you to be careful?"

A smile creeps up Dean's face as he stares at the man, "Brent?"

And there it is guys, the final part of my book, His Home. Find out what happens next in the third installment, 'Protecting His Home.'

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