One More... Vampire-Dean

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This is the continuation of the last chapter, let me know what you all think.

Brent's P.O.V

Okay, this last case that we had was seriously hard for me, like so fucking difficult for me. Sam was so to blame for it, he was the reason Dean lost everything, and I made sure to show my... displeasure. It all started when we got a case that suggested vampires, people were being lured into becoming blood bags by vampires, disguising themselves as fake vampires. Something about a horrid movie that girls fawned over, it confused the living hell out of us. Not only were actual vampires doing it, but boys were doing it too, human, idiotic, desperate boys. 

Their was this woman named Kristen that irked me slightly because of her gullibility. Dean and I saved her or so we thought it turned out to be another girl, we saved her only to be ambushed by several vampires. We were able to take two out but we were taken down, it was all I could do to keep mine away from me. Though Dean wasn't so lucky, I saw Dean get blood pushed into his mouth. I tried to scream, that's when I noticed Sam across the way, staring at Dean and smirking. I couldn't believe it, he knew was happening and he still sat there. That was when Chuck made an appearance in my mind again. "In your pocket Brent, this one is going to be a constant source, can't have you dying on us yet."

Reaching into my pocket, I use my other arm to hold the Vamp away from my face. Pulling out the necklace I absorb a small amount of the blue mist and use it to rip the vamps head clean off, throwing the other away from Dean, I quickly run towards him. Grabbing him by the shoulder, I drag Dean with me and past Sam, who quickly follows after us. Dean kept asking him why he sat there, and Sam made a bullshit excuse, that Dean bought but I didn't. We got back to the hotel and Dean called Samuel. While I took Sam outside to ... Chat. 


Standing in front of him I glare with all the hate I can, while he sits there looking at me confused. Bringing my fist back I sock him across right side of his face, causing him to stumble back. He swings around stares at me in shock, swinging my fist back to sock him again, he catches my fist and swings it back. Swinging out my foot I knock him off his feet and lean over him, "You sat there as he got attacked."

Punching him across the face, I pull my fist back, "You let that vamp give Dean his blood."

Punching him again, "You know what happens when a human drinks vampire blood, and yet you still let it happen."

Punching him again I dig my knee into his chest, "Why did you do it, Why Sam, you know what will happen, WHY?!?"

He coughs and spits out a bit of blood on the cement, "Because there is a cure..."

I stop my fist about an inch from his face and glare, "There better be Sam, cause if there isn't, and Dean... If he... Let's just say, I am far scarier than a vampire when I'm determined."

Standing up I glare one last time, and walk back into the hotel.

End of Flashback...

After that I couldn't look at Sam, he wasn't Sam, something is very wrong with him. So when we got to Samuel, he informed us about the cure, told us it's never been tested so they honestly don't know if it would work. I turn and glare at Sam who's sporting a bruise on his cheek and a split lip. He looks away and I turn towards Dean who is looking at a photo in his hands, when he thought no one was looking was looking he slipped out. Sighing I immediately knew what he was going to do, so turning to Sam I hold out my hand. "Give me your keys."

Looking back at me he sighs, reaching into his pocket he hands them over. Smiling I tell them I'm going on a small errand, they all nod and I follow after Dean. Knowing that the vampire blood is going to be in effect by the time he got to Lisa's house. I made sure to stay a good distance away, just to make sure that he didn't know he was being followed, and if he did, he would know it was me, cause we both know that Sam would be right on his ass the entire way. It was twenty minutes when we got there, he pulled up on the curb and I pulled up behind him. HE got out and nodded at me, he knew that I was there. I watched him sneak into the house, and I followed shortly after, I kinda got the feeling that he would need me to pull him back.

I was right, I had to yank him out of the house by force. With a little bit of angel juice help, I also managed to keep him from bleeding me dry. 


"Dean come on, let's go!"

Grabbing Dean's arm, I pull him away from a terrified Ben and looked him in the eye. Dean looked positively horrified with himself, but at the same time I could see the mental battle he had warring inside his head. "Dean... Dean look at me.. look at me."

He looks into my eyes and I force myself not to cringe at the sight of his growing fangs and black eyes, "Dean, I need you to calm down, focus on my voice. Okay... can you do that for me..."

He nods his head and I continue to talk to him, I look behind Dean and see Lisa cradling Ben in her arms. Looking back at Dean I sigh when I see his fangs retreat and his eyes go back to normal. Grabbing his arm I pull him with me, looking back at Lisa I smile. She smiles and shakes her head, and I immediately know that it was over between her and Dean. Leading him out of the house trip and fall, my hand immediately scrapes against the pavement below, and immediately Dean is sniffing the air. Groaning I stand up and look at Dean, siphoning a little power from the crystal and stare at Dean. "Let's get this over with okay?"

Dean howls and runs towards me, he lashes out with his hands, which I quickly block and push him back. "Dean you need to get control of yourself, this is not you."

Slightly nervous, I block and dodge his punches, "God Damn it Dean get a hold of yourself."

He seems to snap back in control for a split second before he sniffs the air again and is back at my throat. Sucking a bit more power from the amulet I focus my power on two of my fingers and push them to his forehead as he lunges, focusing on knocking him out he immediately slumps against me. Grunt at the weight I pick him up bridal style and walk over to his car, "Sorry Dean, I ain't driving Sam's death trap of a car, now let's get you back to the safe house."

End of Flashback...

He woke up a few hours after we got back, a little groggy and incredible guilt ridden. Kept thanking me though, and it made me kind of uncomfortable, because I didn't have the heart to tell him that Lisa was going to break it off. We spent the next few days hunting vamps, we were able to find the one that turned him, and with his blood, we were able to cure him. That was after meeting the alpha vampire, and Dean killing a bunch of vamps in it's lair. He was cured and he came to me about the incident with Sam, I told him I saw it too and said I would look into it. 

What really pissed me off is Sam lied to Dean and I to our faces, and I couldn't help but laugh when he realized he had to walk to go get his car, cause I made Dean swear not to drive him. Everything was fine, Dean and I spent most nights talking. He received a message from Lisa the next day saying that she couldn't do it anymore, and that he shouldn't see her or Ben again. We spent the next two months talking about everything, went on a few small cases, I did some research on Sam's condition, everything was going okay. That was until we found a case where everyone was either killing themselves or each other, that's where everything went down hill. 

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