One more... Truth

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Somethings gonna happen, something big is gonna happen... well two things. But one thing I am excited for, and the other slightly less excited for. AAGHHH I can't wait.. Enjoy the chapter.

Brent's P.O.V

So here we are, in some backwater town looking at a case that has to do with people committing suicide after getting a heavy dose of the truth. Turning towards Dean who's sitting in the driver's seat of the Impala  I sigh, "So, four victims, all of them committed suicide, and the only thing that links them together is they heard horrible truths."

"Yeah, while you looked around the house, Sam talked to the sister of the latest victim and apparently she couldn't help but say the truth, even if she didn't want to, like she lost all control."

"So what, spirit possession driving people to suicide."

He shakes his head, "No EMF."


"No Sulfur, unless you smelt something?"

Shaking my head I sigh, "No, they only thing that smelt in that house was the dirty laundry in her room."

Dean chuckles and groans, "Maybe we should call Cas, maybe he'll know something?"

"Yeah, maybe, that all depends on if he even shows up."


We spend the rest of the time in silence as we drive to the hotel, when we get there, Dean pulls out his laptop and pulls up a browser. He types in a few things and immediately comes up with an object. Looking over his shoulder I squint, "The Horn of Gabriel, didn't Lucifer kill him or something?"

He turns and looks at me, "Yeah, he sacrificed himself to save us and the pagan god Kali."

"So do you think that this Horn could be the cause of all this?"

"Only one way to find out."

Looking up Dean stares at the ceiling, "Cas, we have a lead on one of your angel weapon things, it's called the Horn of Gabriel. Can you come down and check it out?"

Looking around I sigh, "I don't think he's..."

"Hello Dean."

Dean turns and glares, "Seriously man, it takes this to get you down here, we've been calling you for days."

"Where is the horn?"

Dean looks at me and sighs, I turn and look at Cas, "We don't know..."

Within in a blink of an eye he's gone, leaving Dean and I to look at each other in confusion, only for Cas to reappear a second later. "It's not the horn."

Turning to Cas I stare at him bewildered, "Where did you look?"


Sighing I sit down on the bed and rest my head in my hands, I hear Dean walk over to Cas and sigh. "What happened to you man? You used to be more... human or acted like it. Somethings wrong with Sam, and we need you."

"War happened Dean, between me and Raphael, and if I'm honest.. I'm losing. I want to help you help your brother, I'll make some inquiries."

Knowing that he's already gone I lift my head stare at Dean and groan, "Well at least we can cross off the horn. Who was the first victim, if it started with them..."

His eyes light up in realization, "She's patient Zero, the one that caused this."

Picking up his phone he dials Sam, it takes a few moments but I finally hear Sam answer. "What's up Dean?"

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