One More... Cast of Supernatural Pt 1

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Hiya everyone, I hope you are enjoying this story so far... I know I am enjoying the process of writing it. If you haven't guessed, all this is prewritten soooo...

Brent's P.O.V

Sam and Dean look at me, and Sam whispers, "So... No Angels?"

I shake my head, "No Angels... I think."

looking up at the sound of a voice I stare at the man sitting behind the camera, "But that was great!"

A small man cringes at his voice and shifts on his feet, "It's not a problem with the stunt, it's a problem with the... signal."

I look over at Dean then to Sam, "Should we be killing anyone?"

Dean shakes his head confused, "I don't think so?"

Looking back at the man with the camera, he's still laying into the small man. "Well, how much did we get?"

Sam looks at Dean and I, "Running?"

Dean looks around and then back at Sam, "Where?"

I quickly glance back at the man in the chair, and then to the man next to him. "About half, gets is up to where they... Just before they hit the window."

I kinda just shut out the rest, "Is... is this a TV show?"

Sam and Dean didn't seem to hear me and suddenly we are all being pulled away by very insistent women. Looking around while the woman drags me towards a mirror with the name Matt Lanter shining in bright lights over top of it, I see Sam and Dean nearby, in front of mirrors of their own. I groan when she pushes me down in a seat and immediately starts wiping at my face with a wipe. "W-what are you doing?"

Her long brown hair drapes over her left eye when she shakes her head, she quickly shoves it behind her ear and sighs, "We need to get the make up off of you for the next scene."

I stare at her confused and then look at the mirror, everywhere she wipes, my skin become slightly less tan and more it's original color. Staring at my reflection I gasp, "Oh my god... I look like a fucking clown."

Letting her wipe the rest of it off I quickly nod my head and move away from her and towards Sam and Dean who are talking to each other in hushed whispers. Stalking up to them I glare, "The bastards put makeup on me..."

Dean looks over and sighs, "I know, assholes put it on us too."

I look at Sam who is glancing around the room in confusion, "I think I know what this is."

I sigh and nod, "It's a TV show."

Sam looks over and nods, while Dean looks confused. "You guys think?"

Sam gestures around him, "Yeah. I mean, here – wherever "here" is, this – this twilight zone Balthazar zapped us into. For whatever reason, our life is a TV show."

I roll my eyes at the sheer stupidity of all this, "Why?"

Sam shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know."

Dean looks slightly irritated at Sam's answer, "No, seriously. Why? Why would anybody want to watch our lives? They fucking suck."

Smirking I place a hand on his arm, "Hey, it's not all bad."

He looks over and smiles. Sam smiles and clears his throat, "I don't mean to interrupt, but according to that interviewer, not very many people do. Look, I'm not saying it makes sense. I'm just saying, we – we landed in some dimension where you're Jensen Ackles, and I'm something called a "Jared Padalecki. And you are..."

I shrug, "Matt Lanter."

Sam and Dean look at me confused, and Dean gestures to Sam, "So what, now you're polish? Is any of this making any sense to you guys?"

We both shrug and head outside and Dean immediately cheers at the sight of the Impala, "Oh, hey. Least my baby made it."

He looks like he's about to go over to it when a crew member begins to throw mud all over it, I have to physically pull him back and point to all the other Impalas lined up a few yards away. "Dean it's not her, it's not her."

He looks at me and I grab him by the shoulders, he sighs and looks me in the eyes. "I feel sick. I'm gonna be sick. I want to go home. I feel like this whole place is bad-touching me."

"We'll get home.. don't worry, we will."

Sam clears his throat loudly enough to make us both jump, "So, what do you guys think? Cas?"

I nod and let go of Dean, "He's our best shot, if he's still alive. Hey... Cas, We kinda need you right now, I need you, so if you could... Please..."

Dean looks off into the distance and smiles, "Cas? Cas!"

I turn and smile, running towards him I thrown my arms around him. "Am I glad to see you."

He pats my back and laughs awkwardly and I get a weird vibe, "It's good to see you too."

Letting go I back up and stare at him confused and Dean immediately takes over, "Oh, thank god. What is all this, huh? W-w-what did Balthazar do to us?"

A trigger seems to snap in Cas's mind and I smile, "To keep you out of Virgil's reach, he's cast you into an alternate reality, a universe similar to ours in most respects yet dramatically different in others."

I let out a sigh and smile, "Like – like Bizarro Earth, right? Except instead of having Bizarro Superman, we get this clown factory."

Cas looks slightly confused and I get the vibe again, "Um...Yeah, well...Anyway, no time to explain. Do you have the key?

Sam nods and hands it over to Cas, I squint my eyes and look at him closely. Sam quickly asks the question we've all been thinking, "So, uh, what does this thing do, anyway?"

Cas looks at Sam blank faced, "It opens a room."

Dean sighs, "What's in the room?"

Cas turns towards Dean, and once again I get a vibe that I can't explain. "All the weapons Balthazar stole from heaven."

Dean looks baffled, "He gave it to us?"

Cas nods, "To keep it safe until I could reach you. With those weapons, I have a chance to rally my forces."

Sam nods and looks relieved, "Oh. Okay, good. Yeah. So, now, uh, what's the deal with all this TV crap?"

Cas looks up from the key and looks at Sam with confusion, "Pardon?"

Dean smiles, "Yeah. Amen, Padaleski."

Nudging Dean's side I smile, "Um, Lecki."

Dean looks at me confused, "What?"

He turns and looks at Sam, who looks at him with a nervous look. "Lecki. Pretty sure."

Cas groans and pulls out a stack of papers from his coat, "Did they put out new pages?"

I sigh, "New what?"

Sam looks irritated, "I mean, is this some kind of cosmic joke?"

Dean nods his head, "Yeah, 'cause if it is, it's stupid, and we don't get it."

I shake my head in agreement. "Yeah."

Cas looks at us all confused, "Are you guys okay?"

Dean quickly grabs the script from Cas and reads it over, "What is – these are words in a script. This isn't Cas."

Sighing I look down and see a new age shirt peeking out of his button up. "Guys, look at him."

The man unbuttons his shirt and sighs, "Do you guys want to run lines, or...?"

Dean looks over the pages and groans, "His name is Misha."

I look at the man confused, "Misha, what the hell are with the names here, Misha? Jensen?"

Dean shakes his head, I quickly turn around and walk away with Sam and Dean following behind me. I can hear Misha calling after us but I ignore him and a tear slides down my cheek. 'God Damnit, I actually thought that was him.'

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