Chapter One - The 48✓

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Before we start this chapter, I just wanted to say that this story is undergoing some major re-writing. You're free to continue reading on, but know that the edited chapters have been changed to third person, and the unedited ones are in first.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and please leave a vote.

Dakota woke up with a start and for a few minutes she stared back into a white oblivion before her eyes re-adjusted with the lighting around her

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Dakota woke up with a start and for a few minutes she stared back into a white oblivion before her eyes re-adjusted with the lighting around her. Realization dawned upon her that something had happened and that she was in terrible danger.

She looked around the small white room and noticed she was lying down on a small white bed that was in the middle of the room she was in. Her heart pounded in her chest when she didn't recognize anything. She lifted her head to take a look at her clothing and noticed how she was dressed, someone had changed her clothing when she was unconscious and immediately she felt sick to her stomach about being exposed to a total stranger. Her gaze wondered over her skin until it landed on a tube that was pierced in her arm and taped in place. The room around her was very clinical looking, vaguely familiar medical equipment was pushed neatly around the room, and not a single thing was out of place.

Wherever she was, these people had a mad case of OCD.

She didn't have a clue of how long she had been laying in the room unconscious for, and the thought alone made her even more sick. She could of been laying there for weeks, days, or maybe even a couple hours.

Upon closer exception, her stomach churned when she noticed how clean she was. Her skin was clear of any sweat, grime, or blood, and yet she felt as fifthly as she imaged the unknown hands that crawled over her skin, removing her previous clothing. It had brought back unwanted memories that she had pushed far back in her mind, hoping that it would never resurface and she would of forgotten it long ago.

Dakota reached down and removed the Iv from her arm with a tug, blood splattered from the tiny needle and then she pushed her feet over the bed and onto the floor. When her bare feet touched the ground, it took a minute to get used to the chill, but slowly she pulled herself out of the tiny bed and advanced forwards the door.

She looked out the window and noticed that there was an empty room directly across from her. Her eyes began frantically searching the room for another living being and her heart beat increased as she began to panic. "Let me out!" She screamed and started to bang on the door with her fists.

She had no idea how long she had stood there, screaming at the top of her lungs, and kicking, hitting the door for anyone to notice her. She had stopped when her voice began to crackle and then she stuck to pacing back and forth. It was only then until she heard the sound of the door clicking indicating that someone was trying to get inside. Her head shot up at the sound and she instantly backed away from the door, fear bubbling into her being. She had no clue who was on the other side of the door, but whoever it was she wasn't going to let them hurt her. Her head shot to the side where her eyes landed on a metal pole that was supplying her IV with saline solution. She grabbed the pole and the bags fell to the floor.

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