Chapter Nine - Fog Of War✓

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For once, It was nice to not wake up in the middle of the night because Dakota had been re-living her past inside of her head

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For once, It was nice to not wake up in the middle of the night because Dakota had been re-living her past inside of her head. The haunting thoughts of William usually filled her mind with nightmares and that usually kept her up at night, but this time it was different. This time she had a pair of strong arms wrapped around her bare waist, keeping her demons that lived inside of her mind asleep. For the first time in forever, she could finally say that she felt safe.

Dakota could feel Bellamy's hot breath fanning the back of her neck as she awoken from her sleep. She shifted in the bed and pulled his arm off of her slowly so she wouldn't wake him up. She spotted Bellamy's T-shirt near the foot of the bed and pulled it over her body as she searched for her other clothing.

"I should let you steal my clothes more often," Bellamy's sleepy voice broke the silence after awhile, and she wouldn't deny that she almost jumped out of her skin.

She turned around with her underwear dangling in her hand which made Bellamy raise an eyebrow. "Jesus, Bell. You scared me."

Bellamy's mouth twitched up in a smirk as his eyes scanned down her frame. His shirt stopped about mid-thigh on her. She rolled her eyes at his longing gaze and started to pull on her underwear and her jeans and then the door had slammed open, making Dakota pull a sports bra over her bare chest. Bellamy reacted almost immediately, grabbing his gun from the nightstand.

Dakota was only sporting some jeans and her bra when Octavia burst the door open. Her eyes caught on my gaze as she tried to keep a straight face and her eyes gazed down my lack of clothing. "So, this is where all the noise was coming from last night," Octavia had a slight smile on her face as she broke the awkward silence that hung in the air.

Dakota's eyes had widened almost immediately. "What?" She almost choked on her own words as she quickly grabbed her shirt from the floor.

Octavia grinned over in amusement of seeing Bellamy's face. "I'm kidding, right.. This is rather awkward."

"You wanna tell me why you barged in here? Or are you going to continue to make this awkward?" Bellamy asked.

"Clarke and Raven discovered that Mount Weather is jamming us. They want the two of you to come with us to take the tower down." Octavia glanced in Dakota's direction with a smirk on her face. "Unless you are too tired after your-"

"Octavia!" Dakota squealed, "Enough, we will be out in five."

Octavia let out a snort, "Alright." She replied as she walked through the door, "Don't take too long."


"I can't believe they let Finn come." Octavia muttered through gritted teeth. Dakota agreed with Octavia, they should've left him back at Camp, but she remained silent on the topic.

"He's the best tracker we've got." Bellamy replied. He raised his voice as he spoke to the rest of the group. "Don't forget to look up. The Grounders use the trees." He advised. "That's how we lost John Mbege."

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