Chapter Nineteen - Rubicon's Resurrection.

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In spite of the fact that weapons were 'not allowed' in Tondc, I felt anything but safe in the village. Weapons didn't matter when you had more than a hundred Grounders who could band together and turn against us all. Fists were enough. I felt uneasy being in Tondc, and perhaps that was because last time I stepped foot in here I was tied to a tree post.

"Commander," Kane began respectfully, bowing his head. Beside me, Nyko did the same and when it was my turn to bow mine. I simply gave the Commander a smile to which she retuned with a frown. I probably shouldn't be pushing my luck with the Commander of a Grounder army, but who was I to follow orders? She wasn't my Commander.

"Where's Clarke?"

"She sends her apologies, she cannot make it. We have been sent here in her place instead. I hope that's okay."

Lexa seemed to waver. Her eyes moved from Kane to Nyko, and then settled upon me. Lexa stiffened and walked two steps to her right to come face-to-face with me.

"Dakota Kane," She welcomes. I forced a begrudging smile. "I realize what happened here last time was out of line. I offer a sincere apology."

I held the resist to roll my eyes at her, because I knew in a second that she could slice my head off without even a warning. Also, I could feel the cold icy glare my father was giving me telling me to take the apology and be as diplomatic as he was. I hated it, but I forced the words out of my mouth. "Apology accepted."

"Clarke sent you?"

"Yes. My father, too." I narrowed my eyes at the Commander. "She wanted to remind you how important I am to her and our cause."

Lexa stared with the same amount of power I was giving her with my eyes. "I see. Well, I can assure you that you will be protected here." She turned towards Nyko and Kane. "You all will. Thank you for joining us. Although I would be lying if I said that I am not hoping Clarke would make an appearance. I feel it is in the best interest of your people for her to interact with the twelve clans."

I scoffed. "Well, everything doesn't always work out the way we want it to."

Lexa turned back and cocked her head for a moment before nodding respectfully. "Indeed, it doesn't."

With the painful welcome out of the way, I was permitted to disperse from the crowd, although my father had chosen to stay by the Commander's side. I strolled through the village with Nyko as he told me how important this day was, and a bit of his childhood. I admit, the older Grounder was interesting and I found myself strangely drawn to him. He was like an older brother. I got to talk to Octavia, who was clung to Indra's side still being her second. She mentioned how Lincoln hasn't turned up yet and how she was worried.

A while later, I had caught up with my dad when I found that Clarke had strolled through the village, an alarmed look on her face. I was confused, I thought Bellamy needed her on the radio more than we needed her at Tondc. Lexa was a little bitter once Clarke walked up to her.

"Clarke of the Sky People has honored us with her presence."

"I'm sorry I'm late, Commander," Clarke apologized.

"You made good time. I assume the kids at Mount Weather are okay?" Kane interrupted.

"For now." She nodded to him and then turned to Lexa urgently. "Can we talk in private?"

Lexa, realizing the distress on Clarke's face, nodded and turned her body to where they could speak. "Yes. This way."

"Clarke." I stopped the blonde as she moved with Lexa, and Clarke looked up at me with blank eyes. I knotted my eyebrows. "What's wrong? Is everything okay?"

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