Chapter Fourteen - Remember Me Pt. 1

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"All your screaming whispers, slip right through my fingers but these memories linger on. Eyes closed, all I see is good times disappearing and I'm trying to hold on."

Five Seconds Of Summer - Castaway


After Finn's death, Clarke had disappeared behind a tent to wash the blood from her hands. I found myself wandering into a Grounder infested area to make my way to Clarke. Eyes were on me as I held up my chin with confidence and made my way into the tent. I could hear Clarke whimpering and panting from the outside of the tent. I wanted to kill every single Grounder in this camp right now, but I knew I wouldn't last five minutes against thousands of Grounders. It would be my death, and then everyone else's. I took one last glance of the Commander before entering the tent.

Clarke was sitting on a stool, scrubbing off the blood from her hands, and I put a frown on my face before walking my way towards her. I kneel down in front of her, grabbing her hands in her own. Clarke looked up, confused as of why I was the person to come here first. Since, her and I had disagreements. But I knew better than anyone, what it was like to take another life and the guilt that followed after.

"They would have tortured him. I had to. I--" Clarke cries and I nod my head.

"Okay. It's okay." I whisper to her.

"I had to." Clarke repeats herself and I nod my head. I grab the cloth from her hands and start soaking the blood off of them. "I had to."

"It's okay." I said through a weakened voice, "You did the right thing." I assure her but my own tears were falling from my eyes.

"What did I do?" Clarke whimpers, looking back at her mother, whom I didn't know was here in the first place. She must have followed me in here.

"The Commander is ready to talk." A Grounder states as he walks in here, eyeing us both. Clarke wipes the tears from her face and nods. We both watch as the Commander enters the room, with Indra and a few other Grounders. I watch as Lexa takes her seat on her large throne, staring the two of us down.

"Blood has answered blood." Lexa states. "Some on my side say that's not enough. They want the murderer to suffer as our tradition demands, but they do not know that your suffering will be worse. What you did tonight will haunt you until the end of your days. Still, there will be restitution. The body will be given to the people of the Tondc. Murderer and murdered joined by fire. Only then can we have peace."

"No. No, we've done enough." Kane states as he steps in.

"Dad-" I tried to warn him, but he cuts me off.

"The boy should be buried by his people."

"Enough?" Indra asks. "We were owned the pain of eighteen deaths. We were owed by our righteous kill. My village deserves justice." The warrior women looked as though she wanted to kill us all right here, and then.

"You don't want justice." Abby snaps. "You want vengeance."

"You have not seen my vengeance." Indra snarls.

"We'll do it." I speak up, gaining everyone's attention, including Clarke's.

"But when it's over, we talk about how to get our people out of Mount Weather." Clarke adds. "All of our people."

"We want the same things, Clarke." Lexa reminds her.

"Good. When do we leave?" Clarke asks.

"Now. Choose your attendants. I suggest she's one of them." The Commander stared at me, who I was staring directly back.

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