Chapter Eighteen - Rubicon Pt. 1

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Clarke and I walked through the hallways of the Ark station, Grounder's trailing behind us as we made our way towards the airlock that was holding one of the Mountain Men. We managed to heal the man enough to be up and moving around, but he was still confined to the room or he would die.

One of Abby's guards steps away from his post as we approached. I held up my hand while giving him a dangerous look. "Don't even think about it." The man stood back with his eyes narrowing.

I watched as Clarke stepped towards the air lock, keeping her face void of emotion as she addressed the Mountain Man. "Get dressed, you're coming with us."

Once the man was in his hazmat suit, our group strides though the Ark station emerging into the night air. We move across the open lawn approaching the electrified gate.

"Clarke, stop!" Abby calls out across the space, stopping us with a few of her guards standing behind her.

"No. I'm letting the prisoner go." Clarke stood her ground and I smiled slightly at her.

"Absolutely not."

"He hasn't told us anything yet." Kane adds stepping up beside the new Chancellor.

"He doesn't have to. He's gonna tell them something."

Abby narrows her eyes not deviating them from her daughter. "Get the prisoner back to the air lock. Now."

A guard nods. "Yes, Ma'am." He starts to move forward, but I and the other grounders unsheathe our weapons.

Clarke stares her mother in the eye. "You may be the Chancellor, but I'm in charge."

Abby looks taken back as her gaze shifted to the Grounder's leader behind us. "Indra, tell your people to stand down before this get's out of hand."

The dark skinned woman holds her head high. "No."

"People could get hurt." Abby tries to reason, but they don't back down.

"People are already getting hurt." I exclaim, drawing the attention towards me. "Our people. And we're not going to continue to let that happen."

Clarke nods in agreement. "You need to trust that I know what's right for us."

"The Grounders trust Clarke and Dakota." Kane speaks up at Abby's side. "Maybe we should, too."

Abby stands there for a second contemplating her next move. "Stand down." She voices causing the Ark guards to back away lowering their own weapons.

I smile as Clarke and I begin walking towards the electrified fence. "Open the gate. Now." Clarke shouts watching the guards open the large slab of metal. She spins on her heel facing the Mountain Man. "Can you hear me alright? Because I need to make sure you get this."

He nods reluctantly. "Loud and clear."

"I have a message for your leader." Clarke starts. "We're coming for him. You're watching us, but you haven't seen a thing. The Grounder army is bigger than you think, and even if you could find it, your acid fog can't hurt them. And now, thanks to you.." She holds up a small decide sounding a high pitched tone. "Neither can the Reapers. So, you can have one last chance. Let our people go, and we'll let you live. It's just that simple."

"I got it." The man answers.

I hold up my hand as he makes a move to leave. "And another thing." I walk forward ripping the tube feeding him oxygen into his suit. Pressing down the lever, air begins to flow out of the hose. Once the gauge reads six,  "That eight hour walk?" I shove the item back into place. "You're going to do it in six."

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