Chapter Twenty One - Blood must have Blood Pt.1

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Lexa and I walked back into the war tent where the soldiers were waiting for, Clarke, Lexa, and I to reveal the plan. My mind was put on ease from talking with Lexa about this whole, Nightblood business. There was still a lot of unanswered questions that I had, but I guess that had to wait until later. What matters right now, is getting my friends out of Mount Weather.

"Field Commanders," Lexa addressed the army in the room, "today is the day we get our people back. The enemy thinks it's safe behind its doors, but it's not. When she realizes that, it will fight back... Hard. We need to be ready."

"Which we will be." I finished as Lexa turned her head reluctantly. I stood just as tall and just as confident as Lexa did. My eyes glanced around the crowd of both the Sky People and the Grounders, and I tried to hold each and every gaze as my eyes flickered to each face. "But let's get one thing straight before we divulge into this plan. This is not a kill mission. This, people, is a rescue mission. Our goal is to get our people out of that goddamn mountain without shedding a single drop of blood of those that helped us, of the children that know no better to get involved, do we understand this?"

There was a resounding, yet begrudging, acknowledgement in the crowd of my request. A smile slipped across my lips. "Wonderful! Now, as for the dicks shooting at us, feel free to rip their limbs apart." I heard a few Grounders throughout the crowd chuckle amongst themselves as they agreed with my statement. I walked to the right where the war model that I helped create with Clarke and Lexa was sitting on top of a table. "Alright, let's begin. We have four teams. Two of them at the dam and in the mines; are moving into position already. The third is inside the Mountain, freeing all of the Grounder prisoners to create an even larger team. And now the fourth team.. is us."

"Now, our primary responsibility is to distract those dicks inside the mountain from realizing there are other teams extracting the prisoners. Therefore, we go straight to the front door with everyone we have. We need a big enough army to make them believe that our strategy is merely going through the main entrance. We have to play dumb with these idiots."

More chuckles spread through the crowd and I placed a smile on my face. "The Mountain Men believe that the door can't be opened from the outside, so they don't gave guards patrolling it. but it can be. The electromagnetic locking system on the door has one flaw: if the power goes out, the lock disengages and that's were Raven's team comes in. The Mountain's electricity is generated at Philpott Dam. So long as everything has gone according to plan, Raven and her allies have taken the turbine room and will blow the power out so that we can blow the lock on the door with the hydrazine she provided with us."

I sighed as I looked over the battle model with a twinge on my lips. "But of course, nothing is that easy. Mount Weather has a backup generator inside the mountain to keep them safe in this sort of situation. Hence, if the lock is still functioning when the generator goes up.. we lose our chance to get inside the Mountain. In other words, we won't be able to get our people back.

Sergeant Miller clears his throat. "How much time do we have until the backup power kicks in?"

"One minute." I state bluntly. "That's the window."

"Small window." The man adds. "Why don't we just take out the backup generator, too? Bellamy's inside. Have him to do it."

"Cutting off the backup generator would leave the people of Mount Weather without power and would inevitably kill them all. And as I said, Sergeant Miller.. This is not a kill mission. We are there to rescue only."

'Besides," Clarke intervened from beside me, looking into the crowd. "We lost contact with Bellamy."

My head snapped over in her direction, and Clarke kept her eyes from meeting mine. Just as I was about to say something, Monroe shouted. "What? We did? When?"

CROSSFIRE | BELLAMY BLAKE [2]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora