Chapter Ten - Long into an Abyss✓

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Everyone had voted on keeping Lincoln in the dropship to avoid putting the other people at Camp Jaha at risk. Octavia was pacing back and forth the drop ship while Bellamy worked on restraining Lincoln, who was still unconscious.

Dakota sighed and looked around the dimly lit dropship that they had all called home once. Now it was laid forgotten with only the good and the bad memories still lingering in the burnt dust.

Bellamy jingled the chains to make sure they would hold whenever Lincoln decided it was time to wake up, once he was done he turned and looked back at Dakota who had her back facing him. "He's restrained." Bellamy spoke up which earned her attention and she turned around to face him. "You can look over him, now."

Dakota nodded while getting up from her squatting position and started to move towards Lincoln's unconscious body. She was on full alert now, knowing that he could wake up any moment and snap her neck without hesitation. Dakota took one last look at his face before crouching down to pay attention to the bullet wound that Octavia had caused. Dakota's small delicate fingers lifted the fabric of his pant leg to take a look at the bullet that still rested in his tan leg.

"The bullet is still inside his leg." Dakota muttered while turning around to glance back at a worried Octavia, who barely even looked up from her lap.

"You're a doctor right?" Octavia almost scoffed at her, but when Octavia lifted her head and Dakota saw just how glossy her eyes were, she knew that she was just a worried girlfriend. "Remove it."

Dakota bit down on her bottom lip from the snarky remark that wanted to escape her lips but she knew that would only worsen the situation for Octavia

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Dakota bit down on her bottom lip from the snarky remark that wanted to escape her lips but she knew that would only worsen the situation for Octavia. "I can," She replied. "But it's going o require a med kit." She stood up and looked at Lincoln.

Her eyes gazed upon the multiple scars that littered his face. Lincoln's eyes shot open when Dakota's fingers brushed against the dried blood that was caked on his cheek. He let out an animalistic snarl and lunged which made Dakota let out a terrified squeal.

Lincoln's arm grabbed a hold of her wrist and her hand immediately came up to counteract it, but Lincoln obviously had more fighting experience then Dakota. His other hand came up and grabbed onto her other wrist. Dakota's eyes widened when she looked into his bloodshot eyes and his mouth lunged for her neck. Dakota's knee came up and shoved itself into Lincoln's stomach while her head backed up from Lincoln's sharp teeth. When Lincoln's grip left hers she scrambled  away from his hold while falling down to his feet. She didn't hesitate to crawl backwards from his kicking feet with a widened look in her eyes. Dakota's back hit Bellamy's feet, and she felt his arms lift her up.

Dakota swallowed nervously, "Go get Clarke." She squeaked, trying to calm her racing heart. "The Mountain Men controlled the Reapers, and she might know how to fix it."

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