40. The Letter

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I had the entire thing written and then Wattpad decided not to save. Kill me because this update is so laaaaate!! But we hit biggest problem in story so there is probably 5 chapters left. It'll be a crappy ending I can tell you that but I just need this to end. I'm running out of inspiration for this story. BUT! I have another idea for a story so I'll post that soon! It'll be a Niall Horan fanfic! So please check that out soon! Thank you!!

40. The Letter

Emily POV

"Well that's everything," Liam grumbled, running a hand through his disheveled hair. Everything that we needed had been loaded up onto the truck. Everything would be sent back to the party place and we'd go back to my house to crash and then be taken back to the airport, the entire crew fighting hangovers.

"I'll go with Liam and make sure the stuff gets there. 5SOS and Niall are all going back together. You can jump In with Harry," Louis kissed my cheek and jumped into the truck with Liam. Zayn was driving back with Little Mix. I nodded and walked over to Harry's Range Rover. I knocked on the window. He looked up and waved at me, smiling like an idiot.

"Open up," I groaned. He kept smiling and waving. I pulled at the handle, "Open up!" I whined. He chuckled and unlocked the door.

"Good Morning princess," he smiled. I didn't know whether to question his good mood or go along with it.

"Good Morning sir, to my house please," he nodded and pulled away from the curb.

"So did you enjoy your party?" He asked breaking the cautious silence. I nodded.

"Thank you for umm getting it set up," He grinned and looked over at me.

"No problem Emily, my pleasure."

"You're being awfully talkative to me today. I thought you hated me?" I asked. He nodded.

"I did. You picked Louis' side over mine and I felt like you just ruthlessly hated me. I actually had quite a crush on you," he admitted. I was taken aback. The one person I thought hated me most actually thought I hated them.

"Well I didn't 'ruthlessly' hate you. I thought you hated me. You were quite a dick to me," I scoffed. He sighed and pulled one hand off the wheel to run his hands through his hair.

"I know Emily and I'm sorry. Like I said, I had a crush on you and it hurt for me to see you with Louis," he confessed.

"Well you should've been happy for us! You should've been that caring, congratulatory best friend!" I said raising my voice.

"I'm sorry okay! My feelings just got the best of me!" He tensed up and turned his face. I sighed.

"Harry? Harry I'm sorry! I didn't mean to raise my voice at you. Im battling quite the hangover and I'm at wits end," I said.

"You're hungover?! You had like 3 drinks!" Harry said. I nearly lost it and smacked him hard across the face. But then he smiled, his tongue poked out between his teeth and I realized he had been messing with me. And I laughed. I laughed because I had fallen for his joke. I laughed because Harry and I were finally getting along and I was happy.


"You can come-," I said as I unlocked my door. Before I could finish Harry had kicked off his shoes and jumped on the couch making himself comfortable, "-in." I finished. He turned and grinned at me looking like a little kid with his beanie covering his hair, little curls poking out from under and his jumper being a little to big for him. I smiled back.

"I'm going to change and shower. Let the boys in if they come!" I called out as I walked upstairs.


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