Chapter 1

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Megan POV

First day.

New city. New town. New school. New house. New friends. New me.

Ugh. I am so tired! I have just arrive at my new house. It's white and huge! Love it so far. I am moving here with my mom. I am moving with her because I didn't wanted to leave her alone. My 21 year old brother, Jason and my 18 year old sister, Natalie are staying with my dad in New York. Don't get me wrong, they are happily married, but my mom HAD to move here and he had to work in NY, so we split up.

But my mom is not the only reason why I am moving here: I love taking chances, risks. And I took this as a amazing oportunity to start fresh, meet new people and try to re-make myself, become a better person.

I am not one of those girls who complain about everything, I hate those girls. I am helping my mother to take our things inside the house, as i got in I see the living room to the right, the kitchen to the left, and to doors next to a stair. I open the doors out of curiosity to find a bathroom and a closet. When we got everything inside I go up to look for my future room. I was right, this house is HUGE. There are four rooms upstairs, I go inside each one, looking for the second biggest, cuz my mom will keep the biggest one. I notice each room has its own bathroom. My mom's room is the first door to the left, mine is the third, so there is a room between us.

I take my things upstairs, take out my speakers and ipod from my backpack and put some music. I couldn't possibly live without music, I love music so much! I play a fender (an electric guitar), I also love sports, but the thing I love the most is painting.

After a while I hear my mom telling me lunch is ready.

I run down the stairs. I'm starving!

I sit with my mom and smell spagettis. My mom is not very good at cooking, but I don't complain.

"So...are you done unpacking?" My mom asks me

I have a good relationship with my mom. I mean, I don't tell her EVERYTHING, but I do tell her some stuff.

And I don't call her "mom", I call her by her name: Mary. Long story.

"Kind of, you?"


After lunch, I am about to go upstairs to finish unpacking when someone knocks the door.

"Mary, someone's at the door"

She quickly comes from the kitchen, when I open the door.

The first thing I notice is the hot guy in the middle. To his right is a blond woman and to her left a blond girl. But he is not blonde, he has brown hair and amazing blue eyes.

"Hello!" Says the blond woman cheerfully "Welcome to Boston!" I notice my mom smile, so i do too. "I am Isabel, I live on front" she says turning around pointing to her house, a modern white huge house. "This is my son Sean" she says looking to the hot guy-Sean.

"Hi" he says to me with smile and a nod.

OMG! Calm down. Chill. Act cool. Breath..."hi" i say with a smile.

I did it! I talk to him! I am so proud of me! Okay, I sounds like a looser.

I am NOT a loser, I just get nervous when hot guys are involved.

"And this is my daugther, Jamie"

Aw the girl is so cute! I love kids! I always have. "Hi Jamie" i say smiling at her.

"Thank you" my mom says, shaking everyone hands. Ugh, she is so weird. I mentally face palmed myself.

"I am Mary, and this is my daugther Megan" she says putting her hands on my back. I just smile and nod.

"We live at front as I said, so feel free to come whenever you want" Isabel says with a smile.

"Thanks, nice to meet you" my mom says again.

"Bye" I say before my mom closes the door.

But I did get to see Sean waving back!

I quickly run to my room, when I notice I'm blushing. I continue unpacking, but my mind isn't really into it.

Then I take a shower, give my mom a goodnight kiss on the cheek and I fall sleep. Hey! I told you I was tired!



I have just started this story so I hope you are enjoying it so far.

Sorry for the grammar mistakes.

I have to re-write this chapter because my ipad got crazy and delete it for some random reason when I was trying to publish it for the first time.

Anyway, thanks for reading!

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