Chapter 12

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Megan POV

I wake up because of the light that shines through my window. It's hard to open my eyes.

I look at my phone. 9:38am, I slept 6 hours. The thought makes me jawn and I hate myself for forgetting to close the cortains yesterday.

I put on my headphones and listen to my TheSoundYouNeed playlist, which is soft electronic.

I try to sleep again, but the light keeps stopping me. And I'm too lazy to stand up and close the curtain.

I sigh, guess I won't be getting more sleep today. I take my phone and read my messages.

Stinky Sucker aka Johanna: I meet this guy ❤️

Dirty Whore aka Alex: OMG! Who?!

Stinky Sucker aka Johanna: His name is Brian.

Stinky Sucker aka Johanna: He's SO hot! And he doesn't goes to our school, which I think is cool, and he's tall and blond and his eyes and ajndksjwkso 😍

Me: 🙊❤️

Me: hey! I'm so happy for you! Where and how did you meet him? Send a pic!!

Stinky Sucker aka Johanna: He's friends with Dawson, so I was at Dawson's party on Saturday and I was dancing with Trish when I saw him talking with Dawson, so I approached, pretending I wanted to greet Dawson. Then I introduced myself and made him dance with me, we talked for a while, he was really shy, which I love, you know, and then he asked for my number, and we have been talking like 24/7

Then she send a screenshot of his Facebook's profile picture.

Hot? Not really. He's okay, like a 6 or 7 out of 10.

Me: You're crazy! I don't know how you have the guts to do that stuff! I would never dare to do that, I really admire you for that, you psycho. Btw, honestly, in my opinion he's fine, okay, good, but not incredible.

I know it is going to bother her, but it's what I think, we're always honest with each other.

Stinky Sucker aka Johanna: shut up.

I leave it like that and log in on facebook. I check my notifications, imbox and finally I have seven friend requests.

Noah Hale

Riley Laurentis

Jeffrey Caston

Luke Kaflyn

Dylan Peterson

Jake Sanders

Sean Pierce

I can't help but smile. I accept them all and enter to Sean's profile. Can you blame me?

I check a couple of photos, most of them are of him with the guys, two or three with Jamie, and some of him alone.

I need a bucket, cuz I'm drooling.

Wow! Look at that body! I feel the need to press my fingers against the phone, trying to feel that body.

God, I'm ridiculous.

I laugh at myself and block my phone.

Ugh, it's Monday. I don't hate Mondays on summer like I do during school time, but still, it's impossible to be happy about a Monday.

Let's see, what am I going to do today?

No freaking idea.

Should I go to Sean's? Maybe I'll go play with Jamie.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2014 ⏰

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