Chapter 11

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Sean POV

My phone starts buzzing so I take it out. It's my mother. Fuck. She's going to be mad. I stand up, "Meg, I have to go, but I'll see you later", is what I manage to say.

"Okay", I hear her say as I hurry back to my house.

I answer the phone while I'm sneaking into the nextyard.

"Sean! Where are you?!", she asks angry.

"What are you talking about? I'm here, outside", I say faking confusion.

I watch her coming out from the kitchen, and she hangs up.

She sees me outside, "Sean, seriously, where were you?"

"Mom, I was here the whole time", sometimes lying is necessary.

She stares at me, trying to know if I'm lying or not.

"I hope so. You know you can't leave Jamie alone"

"I know", I say tied of her repeting this a hundred times.

"Jake is upstairs", she says going back to the kitchen.

I close my eyes and chuckle, why does she even bothers asking me if she already know I was lying?

She's just a cool mom, I guess. For not getting angry about lying and whatever.

I go upstairs, and find Jake laying on my bed with his phone.


"Hey", he nods still looking at his phone.

I sat *@#$@ and check mine.

I go into facebook and look for Megan.

I write Megan Wolf and reconize her inmediately. I click on her profile and starting checking her pictures.

First she's with a black dress, she's on a yard, it is probably her old house. I keep staring at her smile and her eyes, she looks so happy. I wonder if she was going to a party. She has makeup on, she looks different. But still, amazing and beautiful. I wonder if she went with some guy. I'm suddently jealous.

In the next photo she's with a man, he looks a lot like her, so it must be her dad. He's in a suit. She's in the same dress. I read the caption: Fauther and Dauther Dance <3

So she went with her dad, good.

Most of her pictures are of her and her friends, them at school, at different parties, at the beach, at different houses, in a car, in a bus, in a train, some place I don't reconize. There are some of her alone, and some of her with her family. All the family photos are on trips, or hollidays.

I even found photos of her as a baby. CUTEST BABY EVER.

I send her a friend request and then mom calls us for lunch.

After eating with Jamie, mom and Jake, we go back to my room.

"It sucks that the girls went to the stupid summer camp"

"Yeah", I agree without really paying attention to what he's saying. I sit on my bed.

"I see you too focus, what are you up to?"

He takes my phone out of my hands before I can react.

"Stalking, huh?", he says.

"Yeah yeah whatever, give it back", I say trying to get it back from him.

He keeps passing the photos and commenting while I'm trying to get it back.

"Fine, Romeo", he throws me the phone. "I'll let you continue your stalking"

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