Chapter 5

114 4 5

Megan POV

I really hope he doesn't think I'm one of those masculine girls. But I really like him, and if I want a relationship with him, he has to know me for who I am.

I still can't believe I accepted going out with him and his friends. I'll only know him, I hope I don't feel so awkard. And if I do, I probsbly just end up following him everywhere.

I know we only meet yesterday but I feel like we have grow up together. I didn't have any boy-best friend, I mean, I had boy-friends but I wasn't very close with any of them. But with Sean its different. I feel like I can tell him anything and he won't judge me, I know I can trust him with whatever and I just feel so comfortable with him.

I hope I get along with his friends. Wait. What if his girlfriend? The idea never really crossed my mind. He hasn't mention any girl so far, but neither any of his guys friends, except from some Jake guy. He didn't have any picture with any girl in his room, he had one family photo, one photo with Jamie, one with his football team and one with The so called Jake.

I hope that's a good sign. I really want to ask him. I think I will.

As soon as I knock, my mother opens and I go in.

"Hi Mary" I say kissing her cheek.

"Hi honey, lunch is ready"

"I know, I know" I say going to help her with the plates.

As we eat I decide to ask her.

"Mom, can I go to the movies tonight?"

She smiles with curiosity "with who?"

It was obvious she was going to ask. I'm tempted to tell her that I'll go with Jamie, so she doesn't bother, but she'll probably end up finding out the truth and I'll end up grounded for lying.

"Sean and some of his friends" I finally say. She smiles and I roll my eyes. "We are only friends"

Now she rolls her eyes while shaking her head.

"How many people are going?"

"Don't know"

"Girls are going too, right?"

"Yeah, I supose. I really didn't ask any questions"

"What movie are you going to whatch?"

"Mom! I don't know, I mean it when I say I didn't ask anything"

She groans but finally lets go "fine"


With that the theme drops, and she tells me about her job and the office.

We are a family of quick eaters, I swear, I normally take around 12 minutes to finish my plate. But we continue talking and we also eat some ice cream for dessert. I decide to start getting ready, even when I still have like 4 hours before Sean picks me up.

I take a long relaxing shower. Then I pick my black shorts, a pink sleeveless bluse, my leather jacket and my new Prune summer combat boots. I put some cologne on. I put my daily accesories, that I have take out for the shower, and start to make a french braid but continue normally, so the top of my head is in a french braid but then since the middle of my head, the braid is simple, so half of my hair is loose.

There are still two hours left so I decide to skype Johanna.

"Hi gurl!" She says.

"I miss you!"

"I know, I'm awsome. Kidding, me too Loser!"

"How's everything there?"

"Dear, if have only been two days, nothing has change, apart from me and Alex missing you"

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