Chapter 2

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Sean POV

"Look! The new neighbors!" Jamie says running to the window of my room. She's just 7, while I have 17.

This might sound weird, but we are really close, we got close when my dad abandoned us, She was just 3 years old, I was 12.

She's always excited to meet new people, she's so friendly.

I look through the window, there is a yellow cab, after some seconds the cab doors open and first there is a woman, tall and brown hair. And then I see her. She has brown hair two, and her face...her face is beautiful. She isn't tall like her mother, she...she's perfect. She's wearing a gray shirt, tall flower-printed shorts, a leather jacket and combat boots. My thoughs get interrupt by Jamie's hand moving from side to side in front of my face.

"Hello? Planet Sean?"

"Uh?" I say in a retarded voice. I notice and try again "what?"

"What happend? You just stare at the window and ignore me!"

"Uh...nothing! Nothing! I'm here."

She looks confused, but doesn't say anything else. She just leaves and closes the door.

I sit on my bed and look at my iphone. 1 message from Jake.

Jake: Hey bro what you doing? I'm so bored. Come over!

Jake is my best friend and we hang out all the time with rest of the team. The football team. I'm the captain and qb, then there's Jake, Nathan, Jeffrey, Daniel, Liam, Dylan, Nicolas, Zeke, Luke , Cole, Riley and Marcus.

I want to go, BUT my mother is propably going to visit the new neighbors and I want to meet her.

I'll have to make up and excuse, if I tell him the truth he will start the "friends before girls" conversation again. Believe me, I don't want that.

Me: Can't, promised Jamie I was going to take her to the movies

Jake: ugh, hate you

Just then I hear Jamie calling me from the first floor.

"Sean! Awnser the phone, it's for you!"

I quickly get out of my room "who is it?"

"The false barbie! Do you want me to tell her you're dead?" She says

"The false Barbie" is my ex-girlfriend, Ashley. Jamie hates her and calls her like that because she says Ashley is a wanna be barbie, but she is so false you can found "made in China" on the back of her neck. Ashley is the classic diva: blond girl, rich family, popular girl, cheerleader captain.

I know it sounded like I didn't like her, but I do, as a friend. Once you meet her, she can be such a nice person, but I broke up with her because that's all, she can be nice sometimes but there's nothing else good in her, everything is false. Her laugh, her smile, her compliments, all false. All she cares about is her reputation.

I don't even know why I dated her to start with. Everyone said we will make an amazing couple, so we became one. We were together for a year, and last month I just couldn't stand it anymore, and I broke up with her.

BUT she keeps calling me, telling me she misses me and blablabla. I found it sad. I mean, it isn't like I don't care about her feelings now we broke up, I do care, and I want us to be friends, but only friends. And I never felt like she actually liked me, it felt false.

"No, thanks" I say going to pick up the phone.

You probably think: but if everyone knows she keeps calling you and all that, everyone will think she's a stoker and her reputation will go down. Yeah, probsbly. But I am not that kind of person, I don't want her to suffer. I have only told Jake, asking for advice, he told me to stop awnsering her. But that would be rude. But I swear if she continues I will.



"What do you want?"

"Hey, you don't have to be so rude!" She says making a crying sound.

"Ashley, I'm serious, stop calling. I want us to be friends, just friends."

"But Sean" she starts sobbing. You may think: poor girl, you are so mean! But her sobbing is as false as her whole self. "I need you, I miss you!"

"Ashley. Someday you will find someone who loves you, but that person is not me"

"There is another girl, right?! Who is it?!" Her crazy mode is on everybody!

"No. Bye Ashley." I say hanging up.

"Dinner is ready!" My mom calls from the dining room.

After a delicious dinner mom anounces she's going to meet the neighbors.

Summer vacations have just started, which means there's no shcool. So I am in some old shorts and an old baseball shirt.

She can't see me like that! It will be a terrible first impresion!

"Mom wait! I have to change!" I shout running upstairs to my room.

I put on some black shorts and a blue Vneck shirt. I quickly fix my hair and run back downstairs.

Jamie and my mom are looking at me suspiciously but don't say anything. We cross to the other side of the street.

My mom knocks the door and after a while she opens. Her mother is at the door too. She looks at me for a second before looking at my mom.

My mom starts talking but I am not paying attention, I am just looking at her from the corner of my eye. I hear my mom saying my name, so I smile and nod "hi". I have to act cool, she's just a girl, I can't get nervous! Then her mom shakes my hand and present herself as Mary and present her as Megan, nice name. She just smiles and nods. Then she says "bye" as her mom starts closing the door. I quicky wave back and then turn to look at Jamie and my mother, they didn't see me, great. The last thing I want is for them to know I like her. She looks like a nice person and she is so beatiful!

I go back to my room and just play xbox for the rest of the day.

I can't stop thinking about her. I have never have this feeling before, not even when I dated Ashley. Is weird.


Next chapter will be longer! I promise!

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Sorry for grammar mistakes!

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