Chapter 3

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Megan POV

I wake up waiting to see my room in NY, but I'm not there.

I'm in Boston! Right! I totally forgot. I put my headphones on and pick up a random song from my new playlist.

I start thinking about everything that happend since I got out of the plain.

And then I remember him. Sean. His blue piercing eyes, his brown hair, his amazing smile...Hey! Megan stop! He's totally out of your reach!

I walk down the stairs to have breakfast. I find a note pasted in the fridge.


They called me from work. I have to start today instead of Monday. I'm sorry. I don't like you staying alone in the house. Go to Isabel's, I called her to ask if you could spend some time there, make some friends. Jamie is 7 and Sean is 17, I asked her. I already told her you are going, so you have not choise. They are waiting to you after breakfast, I'll be back for dinner. Love,


Really mom? Really? Make some friends? You just don't say that. Just don't! I can't believe it! What a bitch! Now I have to go.

She ruin my perfect mood.

I don't want to go. I love been alone. It will be SO awkard. But looking at the good side, I will meet Sean 😍!

I eat cereal and vainilla yogurt and go upstairs to change.

I have to look good for him.

"Megan! Stop it! You don't have a chance!" I yell to myself, I am the only one in the house, so no one can hear me talking loudly to myself.

After about 20 minutes I finally decide for my blue tall short and my another gray top that has a big black cross in the middle. I put on some black sandals and put my hair in a messy tall pony tale. I don't wear make up unless I have a party or an important event. Call me freak if you want, I still don't like it. I want people to think I'm pretty because of me, not because of makeup. I put my everyday accesories, which include my pearl earings, my red moustache bracelet and a hairband on my left wrist. I almost always wear my Redentor Crist neckless which I bought on Brasil when I was fourteen.

I'm nervous and excited! I take my phone, check myself on the mirror for the last time and start going downstairs while awnsering my friends texts.

I have been talking with my best friends Johanna and Kristen, also with Alex, Diana and Zara.

I miss them so much! But I haven't tell anyone about Sean, I don't know why, I just don't feel like it's a good idea.

I am now standing in front of my front door. I take a slow breath and open the door. I walk slowly until I get to the front foor. I think I'm shaking. "Don't be ridiculus!" I think to myself and knock twice. I hear someone running down the stairs and then Jamie opens the door.

"Hi" I tell her. I'm happy she's the one who opened the door and not Sean.

"Hi!" She says hugging my waist.

I smile and ask her "Can I...go in?"

She lets my waist "of course!"

I walk in behind her and close the door.

My first impresion of her house is WOW!

As I go inside I notice they have kind of an open kitchen to the right, next in the dinning room, the living room is at the front, totally open, then to the left there are huge fancy stairs and some glass doors where you can see the backyard.

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