Chapter 7

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Sean POV

I'm wake up by some bastard, probably Jake, hitting me with a pillow.

"I'm hungry! Wake up! I need food!" The voice, Jake's voice, yells at me while hitting me.

I groan and turn around. He ruined my dream! Now he has to pay.

I quickly flip and take the pillow from his hands and start hitting him, he starts running and I quickly follow, until we're on the kitchen and I notice that's exactly what he wanted.

I can't believe I believe it.

He chuckles and I continue hitting him with the pillow.

"Stop hitting Jake" I hear my mom from the other side of the kitchen.

"Fine" I groan.

He hasn't stop laughing, and that's why I hit him again, but with much force.

"Guys stop hitting each other and come eat" Mom orders.

I throw the pillow to the living room's couch and we sit on the bar to eat our breaksfast.

"Where were you yesterday?" Mom asks.

My mom works, so she's usually at work and never in the house. She leaves early at 8am and comes back at 8pm, but on Thursdays and Fridays she does extra hours and comes back at 10pm. So In school days Jamie usually goes to my grandma's on Thursdays because I have football practice and then usually hangout with the guys. And on Fridays I usually go out, so if she isn't with a friend, she's at grandma's. Then my mom picks her up after work.

"Movies" is all I say.

"With the guys?" she asks.

"Boys night" Jake explains.

"Did you have fun?"

"Yep" I say. Jake nods.

"I'm going to aunt Jackie's house to help her plan Tania's birthday party, Jamie's sleeping, you two take care of her, understand?"

Baby sitting. I'm used to it. I don't mind taking care of my little sis but some days-like today- when I want togo out, it does bother me. But I know complaining with my mom won't help, so I just nod while Jake gives me the "are you serious?" look.

"Okay, see you later" with that she grabs her keys and leaves

"Bye mom" I say as Jake says "Bye Mrs.Pierce"

She waves at the door and then she's gone.

"So? What are we doing today?" Jake asks as we continue eating.

"You gonna stay? to babysit?" I ask him.

"I always stay" he defends.

"Always?" I ask with sarcasm.

"Okay, I mostly stay" he corrects.

"Yeah, I guess so."

We just continue eating and then leave our plates on the dishwasher.

"You never answered, what are we doing today?" he asks as we go upstairs.

"Don't kn-" I stop when I remember.

Meg said "see you tomorrow", she coming? Should I go look for her?

What should I do? "I'm going to see Megan"

"You're kidding, right?" Jake asks.

Kidding? Why would I be kidding?

"No. I'm not kidding, why?"

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