Chapter 9

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Sean POV

"Don' worry, they are all like that"

She smiles shyly.

"So what do you like to do? Besides the x-box."

"I play football"

"Really?" she asks.


"What position do you play?"


"Wow, that's amazing" she says smiling, "so I'm guessing your friends play too."

I chuckle, "Yeah. Do you practice any sport?"

"Uh, yeah, I was on the volleyball team last year, but I usually play basketball"

"That's great, are you trying out this year?"

"Yeah, I think so, perhaps I'll like to play both"

"Well it depends on what days you have practice, maybe you can"

"I hope so"

Awkward silence.

I am about to ask her about the black electric guitar I just spotted next to her desk when she breaks the silence.

"Since when did you started playing football?"

"I don't remember, I mean, my father used to take me to the park to teach me. I think I started playing like officially when I was a freshman."

She just nods.

"You didn't tell me" I tell her.

"What didn't I tell you?" she asks me.

"That's why you asked me didn't you? Back at my house." I ignore her cuestion.

"What are you talking about?"

I nod towards the guitar.

"Oh, that. Yeah."

"So you play"

"A little" she says, head down, looking at the floor.

"Since when do you play?" I ask her. She turns to look at me.

"Um, not long ago. I mean, I started taking classes when I was nine but my mom made me drop it because I didn't practice and she said the clases where too expensive. But I started again, like, 8 months ago."

"Do you like it now?"

"Yeah, I love it, but I'm really bad"

"Play something" I demand.

She has a fuck are you crazy face, like she can't believe I actually just asked her to do that.

But I did.

"No freaking way. That will be so embarasing. I would if I didn't completly suck at it."

"I don't care if you suck at it, I want you to play for me."

She shakes her head slowly, smirking "it is not going to happen"

"You own me a serenade then"

She laughs, "so now it is a serenade? Shouldn't it be the other way? You singing to me?"

I pretend like I'm thinking about it, "nah, don't think so. I'll be waiting anxiously", I say proudly.

She gives me the you wish look and rolls her eyes. "you better be very patient then"

I smile playfully, "deal"

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