Chapter 4

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Sean POV

"I have an older brother too, you know?" Megan says.

Shit. I hope he isn't one of those overprotective brothers.

"And is he as amazing as I am?" I say with a smirk even trough I'm worried about his brother.

She laugh at my comment "kind of, we are really close too"

Fuck, fuck, fuck. If they are close he's obviously overprotective.

"How old is he?" Maybe his isn't that big, and I am over reacting.

"21" I'm fucked. But he isn't here in Boston, so I am not totally fucked.

"Is it only you and your brother?"

"I wish, nop, I have a 18 year old sister too"

"So you don't get along with your sister?"

I though sisters always get along, like they are besties and go shopping together and that stuff.

"'s complicated. We fight all the time but in the end we know we love each other, and when we aren't fighing we have a lot of fun. But in general, no, we don't get along. Everyone think is weird, but I am waaaay closer to Jason"

"Aawww" I say trying to imitate her but totally failing.

She laughs and I join.

Then out of nowhere the door opens and I see Mary and my mom.

We stop laughing and look at them.

"Goodnight Mrs.Wolf" I say. While Meg just says "hi Isabel" to my mom.

"Hi..." Okay...? She forgot my name. This is akward.

"Sean" Meh tells her slowly.

"Sorry, I have a terrible memory" she says explaining.

"Megan want do you say? Ready to go home?" Mary asks Meg.

"Sure" She says standing up.

"Bye Sean" She says leaving with a smile.

"Bye" I say smiling too.

I want her to know I enjoy being with her. I have two months to make her mine, and I don't plan to waste any time.

She is turning around when I add "See you tomorrow?"

She just stares at me for a moment and I start to worry. Maybe she didn't like me.

Finally she says "okay" before turning around and walking downstairs.

Yey! I'm seeing her tomorrow! I don't want to rush things up. I want to know her well, so then I know if she's an amazing person and if I like her personality as much as I like her apereance. So far, she's perfect.

1. She likes my sister and Jamie likes her too. I really care about Jamie's opinion.

2. She's really sweet but competitive at the same time, not that girly. I don't like too girly, so she's perfect.

3. She likes to play and do exercise. I hate lazy girls.

4. I love how she's so open about her opinions.

5. She's interested in getting to know me, I like that in a relationship, I want to know everything about her, and it looks like she's interested in me too.

6. She has an amazing sense of humor.

Those are 6 facts I learn about her personality today.

So my plan is, like I was saying: to knoe her well, let's say it takes a month, then I'll ask her on a date, and if that goes well, I'll ask her to be my girlfriend at the end of vacations.

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