Chapter 14: Target

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Steve is sitting on a rooftop looking at the Gotham Gazette in his hands, he was reading the headline on the front page.

Red, White and Blue Star Spangled Vigilante

The more he reads the article, the more he is proud of his achievements and what he has done for the city.

Looking up at the city lights of Gotham, he notices some movement on the rooftop in front of him. Thinking it was just a bird, he continues to read the paper. Flicking through the pages he comes across an advert for a psychologist that would be perfect for Harley, "May I help you?" Steve says as he notices a figure walking towards him. He stands and walks towards the shadow to get a clearer view. Batman was standing there, his cape covering most of his body. He speaks with a deep voice, "I have some information regarding Harley. I know she is a target that Deadshot is very interested in." Steve looks Batman up and down, trying to figure out if he is warning or threatening him, proceeding with caution, he asks, "Who is Deadshot? Why are you telling me this?" Batman walks towards Steve, "He is a hitman and he never misses." Steve starts to walk to the fire escape.

Suddenly, Batman stands between him and the exit, "I want to help. Harley donated a lot of money and I think she may be having a change of heart lately, but I need to have more proof." Steve crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow, "I'm curious how you know about the donation? Also, why should I let you help?" Batman lifts his hand to his ear and presses a button, "I can trace her fingerprints and so can Deadshot. We need to move fast if..." He stops mid sentence and stares at Steve, looking him up and down with disgust. Steve notices him staring, "What is it?" Batman slowly puts his arm down to his side, "You are covered in fingerprints." Steve coughs loudly and reaches for the door in front of him, "Are you going to help me or not?"

They search all around the city, following Harley's fingerprints to her last known location. As they come to an abandoned warehouse by the docks. Batman holds out his arm to stop Steve from proceeding any further. Steve ducks under his arm and peaks through a hole in the door. "Why is she here?" Steve turns towards Batman with confusion. "I'll scan the area with thermal vision." He lifts his head to his left ear and presses a button. He moves his head left to right scanning the area. Turning to Steve he notices two animal like shapes on the other side of the warehouse doors. "I know why she is here." Batman puts his arm down by his side and grabs a bat claw, swinging it a few times before throwing it onto the roof. He shoots up the line and Steve soon follows after.

"Are you going to tell me what you saw?" Steve grabs his shield from his back and holds it by the straps with his right arm. "She is taking care of her hyenas." Batman begins to prepare his gear ready for a trap. "You planning on trapping the hyenas or killing them?" Steve folds his arm watching Batman fiddle with his gear. "Trapping them, I don't kill." Batman looks at him with annoyance and then starts to open the skyline.

Jumping down onto the walkway, they look over the edge to see Harley rolling around on the ground laughing. Steve smiles to himself watching her have a good time. "I couldn't let that mean zoo lady keep my babies from me." Harley kisses them both on the nose. She continues to stroke the hyenas while Steve and Batman tiptoe along the walkway trying not to disturb her. Steve holds out his arm stopping Batman in his tracks. Looking at him with annoyance, he pushes Steve's arm down. Batman continued down the walkway, when suddenly the grates underneath him start giving way. Steve crosses his arms, "I tried to warn you."

The floor gave way underneath Batman. He started falling towards Harley. She screams with shock and annoyance, "Don't touch my babies!" Batman lands on a few wooden crates, breaking them in the process. Steve drops down the shield first and starts walking towards him, "I did warn you." Batman stands brushing loose wood and dust from his black suit, "I survived." Harley looks from Steve to Batman and then back at Steve, "How did you find me? What are you doing here? My babies are staying!" Steve smiles at her, "Batman used your fingerprint to trace you. We are here to protect you from Deadshot. We are not here for the hyenas." Harley starts to walk towards Steve, but Batman stands in her way, "I don't think you should move so much. My sensors are picking up a thermal reading approximately 300 ft away." She folds her arms and starts swaying her hips, "A moving target is harder to hit, ya know!" Steve walks around to face Batman, "Where is the reading coming from?" Batman points to a high window on the left side of the building facing the docks, "His shot will come through that window. The angle he is at will only have an entry point through that one window." Steve looks up at the window and starts processing how to save Harley.

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