Random thing #1

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  So today in first hour I got this blue slip (Excusing me to go to another class,etc) to go to the English room at 9:45. At 9:45 I go up there expecting work or something missing or whatever, and I saw that all of my teachers and my counselor were there! I thought *CRAP! WHAT DID I DO?!)* So I go in and sit down and my English teacher asked me *Do you know why your here?* and I said "No." She says "Its because you didn't sell them any girls scout cookies!" So I replied with "I am sorry" She then says "No, That's not why your here, we called you in to tell you thank you for being a good student and being a delight to have in class".  SHE THEN HANDS ME A BROWNIE. LIKE YAS BOO! BROWNIE ME UP M8! (Just kidding!)

Welp that's my first entry, kinda cringing. Hope ya'll don't die of cringe ;) Love ya'll! ~That Random Phangirl You Follow

*****UPDATE MY DUDES!*****

 So yesterday while i was leaving sixth hour my fren lukepi (That's his nickname btw) comes around the corner. (THE EXACT SAME CORNER I WAS ABOUT TO TURN TO MIND YOU) and he startles me so I let our this random noise that sounded like Papyrus (I SPELLED HIS NAME RIGHT. BLESS)

Now that's it from yesterday. You're welks frens! ~That Random Phangirl You Follow

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