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Okay, so this is gonna be pretty long probably cause it's an appreciation post for my two favorite people Erin and Sam. Okay, so I wanna start off with saying just how much I love them. They make me feel loved and appreciated and that I actually belong and I'm honestly so grateful that they're in my life. They make me forget about my insecurities and everything bad in my life for at least a little while. They make me smile and laugh until not only my face is hurting, but until my whole body hurts. Everyday they walk me home from school even when they have something to do. No one has ever done that for me before and it just makes me happy and makes me feel loved and valued. It feels like I've known them forever but really I've known them for about a year. I know I can trust them with anything, my life, my phone, my anything really. They make me genuinely happy. They've even talked about giving me a permanent spot at their table which is honestly so cool. Also we have this thing where everyday we see each other we'll hug like 15000 times and tell each other how much we love the others like 6627174643096 times. I think about it and realize just how lucky I am to have them in my life and how much I don't deserve them. The littlest things they do for me honestly make my day 5003858 times better. I'm using long numbers but it's how I actually feel. Okay wow this is getting really long, so I'll stop here, but I can literally write a book about how much I love them and how much they mean to me.

Okay that's it... for now.. expect more appreciation posts about them in the future.

Lmao bye nerds.

The Day in the Life of a PhangirlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ