Day 3!

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 HELLER MY DUDES! How are my frens doing on this fine day today? Day three wow, I actually didn't think i'd do daily updates. I'm quite proud of myself! Let's see how long this lasts. XD

So today we had our concert thing and this church, it was pretty ace m8. Very nice. We put on a 20 minute concert and we sang six songs (Very nice songs 10/10) but we had to miss our reward lunch. Oh well I guess.

In third hour we were watching Around the World in 80 Days with Jackie Chan (Not with him, he was in the movie. But you know what I meant) Pretty interesting. Kinda wished we would finish watching Anastasia though.

English and math were boring, I just kinda read.

In science we took some note (My hand actually started cramping. Sad times) and then we played the game of Life, but there weren't many board games so I sat with Ember fren, and fren Brendon. I told them about the smut I read. Brendon seemed intrigued and disturbed and said I should go on My Strange Addiction . Fun times.

That's basically it! That's what happened today, nothing much, but its something!


So when I was a toddler, so maybe 3,4, 5 at most, I would listen to my dad's MP3 player, and on his MP3 player he had the song Let the Bodies Hit the Floor. So I would go around the house singing "LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR! LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR!" Yes, sweet little innocent ( ;) ) Hannah (Me) used to sing Let the Bodies Hit the Floor. I was a special kid back then.

Welp I hope ya'll liked that story! i still haven't gotten any answers on whether or not to make another book on conspiracy theories, scary stories, etc. So comment down below if i should become the new Shane Dawson! (Let's be honest, no one can be Shane Dawson. Shane is to Shane for anyone else to be him.) Love ya'll! ~That Random Phangirl You Follow

***UPDATE MY DUDES*** I have created a second book called It's A Conspiracy! A book about conspiracy theories, scary stories,etc!

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