Day 5/6

24 4 5

Hey frens! Sorry for the late update, but I spent most of my time recovering from the loss of sleep last night. So I slept today WOO!

Yesterday, as you all know, I went to a hockey game at the BOK Center, and spent the night there with my Girl Scout troop and other ones too. We all met up at Food Pyramid, and I rode with -_Gemini_-  and my other fren Kaitlyn and -_Gemini_-'s mum.  We were RUNNING DOWN THE STREET YELLING KISS MY ***! Just kidding! We were singing songs on the radio. XD

We get there and we meet up with the rest of our troop and I ran into one of my frens from my older girl scout troop.

We go in and we get pictures taken and what not, we get food, we talk and crap, and then the game starts. I was actually pretty confused (Take that back REALLY confused) but I got to see two fights! XD (I'm a heartless person. I found that to be the most entertaining. Woops) There were some strong Canadian vibes going on. XD 

We go back to where we are going to be sleeping and we watch Inside Out (Ya know cause Hockey and ish) I shared some sniggs with Madison. I stayed up with Taz and Kaitlyn until 2 am watching YouTube videos.

So that was yesterday AND NOW ONTO TODAY!

I woke up at 7 am, we left at 7:30, didn't get back until 8 something, I got home and my dad made me some French Toast, and then I went to shower (Hey I didn't shower for 24 hours and I layed on the ground, what did you expect?) and then I fell asleep. I slept for most of the day. I'm still tired!

Hey guys! So that was it for today and yesterday! Sorry for the late update and how its more summarized than usual. I just wanted to update and not have to worry about missing two days. Also I'm still really tired so I might go to bed sometime and my brain isn't thinking all that well, but anyhow I hope ya'll like it! Goodnight and I'll see Ya'll tomorrow! Bye!

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