My Actual Birthday!

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May 13th was my birthday! Woo!

So Saturday wasn't much tbh. After my frens went home, I had a couple hours to myself, until my grandparents came over. So I'll tell you about that.

So when my grandparents came over,we sat down so I could open my presents. My grandparents bought me some nice sued combat boots. My parents bought me, two little eye-shadow pallets from Hot Topic called, Unicorn Blood and Pastel Dreams. The brand is BlackHeart. Then the got me some new shirts to wear with my snazzy leggings, and they bought me some new dresses. Along with some fluffy headphones, and a glow in the dark Nightmare Freddy from FNaF. But the best thin I got, was a Amazon box filled with FX makeup and tools! Ah! I love it! I can't wait to try some FX wounds!

Then we all had dessert. It was a cheesecake. I can't remember what cheesecake it was, but it was delicious!

So that was my birthday! Woo! I'm a teen! Loves ya!

The Day in the Life of a PhangirlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ