Day 11

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HI GUYS! Today was a bit more exciting I think.

So we took part two of our reading test. WE ARE DONE THANK YOU JESUS! But next test is Math, and I think I'm gonna start sweating profusely. But that's not the point.

We watched movies. I colored. A lot. I have at least 5 different coloring pages. XD

After school at about 6-8 pm, the girl's choir watched Moana in our auditorium. It's a really good movie. 10/10 ( As I'm writing this, there's this damn train going by tooting it's horn thing, and it's distracting me. I think it's gone now.) And now here I am writing to you! 

That was it wow. I thought it was going to be more entertaining. My life is getting boring now. I'm sorry for my boring life. Love you!  Thanks for sticking with me though! Also, THIS HAS GOTTEN TO 89 FRICKIN VIEWS. YA'LL FRICKEN ROCK! 

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