going back

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Chapter 18

I don't own any Naruto

(Three years had passed)

Pov Kitsune

            I woke up dazed rubbing my eyes and stretching out yawning. I then get up and head out of the cave.  I get up and go to the lake and wash off as I caught a couple of fish.  I have adjusted back to my old lifestyle.  “Kuuyia come out.” I said cooking my breakfast as she appeared in front of me as a human with ears and tails.  She was beautiful and elegant, we have been able to get closer together lately.  “Yes Kitsune? Is everything okay?” she asked crouching down next to the fire watching the fish cook.  “Yea I'm okay.” I said giving her a cheeky grin.

            I went out walking around with Kuuyia and having fun playing hide and seek, training, and just relaxing. “Kitsune... Do you ever miss the others?” she asked as we lay looking up at the sky.  I turn to her and say, “Yea sometimes, but I can't always rely on others to keep me safe.”  She nodded in agreement.  I closed my eyes smiling feeling the warm sunlight warm my pale skin.  I then scooted closer to Kuuyia and we cuddled.  “Kuuyia... I love you.” I said. (When I say that I mean in a sisterly love.)  “I love you too Kitsune.” she says in reply petting my head.

            It had gotten dark and Kuuyia and I have went out earlier to scavenge for nuts and berries.  Once we got back Kuuyia made a fire and sat next to me as I ate some of the berries.  “Kitsune.. I think you need to return.. You are strong but remember Naruto likes you and misses you... I am part of Kyuubi and I can feel what Naruto is feeling at points in time.” she said sighing.  “I don't need them.. I am my own person and I can take care of myself I don't need to be constantly babied and looked after!” I said getting angry clenching my fists.  “Yet THEY need you!!” Kuuyia said strongly causing me to go into a shock state.  “Maybe..” I said in response.

            I lay my head on Kuuyia's lap and thing about my team mates and how they must of become stronger and mature.  I did miss them, I missed Naruto's smile and his enthusiasm.  I smiled and chuckled at the thought.  Then I let out a long sigh of nostalgia.  I miss them.  With that ending thought I fell asleep in Kuuyia's lap as she hummed a lullaby.

The next day ~~

            I woke up and smiled, excitedly getting dressed in clean clothes I had laying on a tree branch to dry since I washed them the day before.  I packed up all of my items and slung my back onto my back tying my headband on my forehead.  I gave a cheeky grin to Kuuyia, who was staning next to me, and headed off back to Kohana.  I cant wait to see their faces again!


Short I know I know I am just starting to get my creative juices back and well this is the best I could do.. >.< I'm a sophomore in High school... GIVE ME A BREAK D”X

Any ho so yea she wasnt taken by the Akasuki or Orochimaru or anyone >:I I wanted her 3 years to be only with Kuuyia and herself.

:D I think ever since I started writing this book 2 years ago I'm doing better at writing a story where the female is a kickass badass and not some “Oh help me help me” XP im not dising on people who write that way im just saying that it is kinda repetitive.

Im blabbering sorry >.< Please vote and comment

I will delete any extremely mean comments.. cause it brings me down and makes me want to disappear and never write again

See ya in the next chap BYE BYE :D

(Message me if you have ideas or questions)

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