the exams

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I don’t own any Naruto D’X


 We were headed into to the building to take our exams. That’s when I saw this boy get knocked down by this two people.  Me being nice helped him up and Oni growled at the two people.  “Are you ok?” I asked helping him up.

  He then had hearts in his eyes when he looked at me.  “I am Rock Lee, and will you be my girlfriend!  I promise to protect you with my life!” he said holding my hand.  “Ummm…thanks for the offer, but I already have one.” I said and he anime fell until he saw Sakura and told her his speech all over again.

I just stood next to Sasuke spacing out till Sasuke pulled me down the hallway with Naruto and Sakura too.  When we entered a room where we were supposed to take the written part of the chunin exams.  I ended up sitting next to Gaara.  I was staring at him and every time he looked at me I looked away blushing like a manic.

When the test started I stared at the dumfounded.  WTF AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW ALL OF THIS!!  I screamed in my head grabbing my hair.  Oni was stand next to me on guard.  “Hey Oni, can you tell me the answers that re on the kid’s paper in the front?” I whispered to him.  He just shook his head yes.  Then he activated some sort of eye thing that I can do too, but have yet to master. 

Once he finished telling me the answers I turned my paper and leaned back in my chair.  But accidently touched Gaara’s hand and ended up inside his head.  I saw all of his past and he saw all of my past. 

That was also when I met his jinchuuriki and he met mine.  He was forced to promise to protect me.  Kuuyia made him promise also the thing inside of him too.

I as so pissed at Kuuyia, since he made Gaara the person who is hot, promise to protect me or he would get really hurt.  Then I was brought back to the real world when someone came crashing through the window. 

We ended going to this place called Forest of Death.  “Great why couldn’t be the Forest of Flowers instead!” I said waving my arms around like a Baka. Then Naruto started coping the sensei which gave him a cut on his cheek.  Then a Pedo came up and handed back her kunai with his/she tongue.

When I was about to get my scroll, a sensei said, “Sense you have a 4 man team you have to go by yourself.” She told me handing me my heaven scroll.  I then walked back to my team and told them I couldn’t be with them. 

“What if you get attacked!” Sasuke asked worried.  “It will be ok.” I said to him peaking his cheek when nobody was looking.  ‘Come on Oni!” I said to him as we ran to my gate to enter.

When we entered I heard a scream and freaked out. Btw Oni is about the size of a pony now. I then ran to one of the fences and found an earth scroll the sensei told me I could find.  ‘Come on Kitsune let’s get to your team.’ Oni said letting me ride him toward my team.

That night I was with Oni by a fire to get some sleep. I also summed Kurro and Surro to protect me while I sleep.  I was just leaning on Oni for support. ‘Hey let’s make a contract.’ Oni said taking a cup out and dropping some blood in the cup.  ‘Sure.’ I said dropping some of my own blood in the cup, mixing up with his. 

Then I drank the blood and a pair of snow white fox ears popped out on the top of my head, also a snow white fox tail.  ‘What is this?’ I asked feeling my tail and ears.  ‘It’s part of the contract, you will learn to control them later.’ He said making me sleep.

Next day—

I woke up hearing Sakura scream.  I hopped on Oni and we ran towards the noise.  I saw red chakra surround Naruto. He stopped snake before it hit Sasuke.  “What the HELL!” I screamed at the Pedo. 

“My, my, my, Princess Kitsune, I guess I don’t have to find you anymore.” He said licking his lips.  I just snarled with white chakra surrounding me.  My hair then turned white and flowed around me.

“I WON’T LET ANNYONE I LOVE OR CARE FOR DIE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!” I screamed while claws came out of my fingers, and my teeth grew sharp and long.  I howled towards the sky and ran towards the Pedo. 

I hit him a few times but he hurt me a lot. I lay limp on a tree branch. I tried to get up but when I did he bit my neck and hard.  I screamed bloody murder.  I then blacked out falling off the tree branch towards the forest floor.

‘Sorry Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, I have failed you as a friend.’ I though, as my eyes closed slowly.


Short ik so sorry I will try to make it longer later.

Vote plz I am begging here!

video of how Kitsune felt throughout the battle

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