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Ashon's P.O.V.

The SunLight shinned Brightly into our Bedroom Hearing Asha Scream Like someone was after her Really scares Me and makes me wonder if someone had hurt her before we got together.

I continued to Cook breakfast while Asha Lay upstairs in Bed asleep, I dont know how I can live with what happened to her but whatever it is we have to talk about it.

Asha Comes downstairs and sits at The Bar Watching me prepare her Breakfast plae with Strawberries Cheese Eggs, and Cinnamon Apple Pancakes.

Her hair is Messy all on ger head her eyes dim and exhausted she takes a sip of the coffe I gave her and Looks at me She slides her hands into her hair.

"I'm so Tired" she says Sighing heavly I place her plate in front of her and she Instantly begins to Dig in.

"Asha I wanna talk about Last Night"I say as I look at her she stops eating the Pancakes and Looks At me.

"I... Um ....I don't Remember" she replies taking a sip of of her Coffee I made for her she swallows hard and Looks At Me.

"Asha Sweety You Were Screaming in your Sleep Like Someone was Hurting you" I say slowly she looks a little Stressed as I explain to her what happened.

"I Don't Know What Happened But whatever it was Must Have Terrified you" I add Leaning My arms on the isle.

"Asha I need you to tell Me what you saw in your Dream" I ask Looking at my wife she stares Blankly into the Abis and then Goes Back to eating.

"Asha Please" I beg She Begins to chew angryly as I wait for her to answer but she doesn't.

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