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Samiya's P.O.V.

*At The Mall still*

"Oh So You Must Be One of the Groupies"I say as I look from Ramin to the Perky Blonde Chick she stares at me with a Huge Smile on Her Face still.

Messiah Wakes up and Stares at the Strange girl.

"Aww what a Cute Baby!" She says Bending down an Looking at Him in the Stroller.

He maintains a Mean Mug on His Cute Brown skin Face as The girl touches His Cute little Baby Hands.

I stare at Ramin who has a Blank look on his Face and then the girl again who stares up at me as she plays with my son.

"Well it Was Nice Meeting you I must Get Going I have a Surfing Competition in a Hour".

the Blonde Haired Girl Says to No one in Particular.

I look from Her to Ramin who still Hasn't said a Word since My Arrival at His Job.

Once the Blonde Girl is Gone I turn My Attention to My trifflin Baby Daddy who's Face is Now Relaxed.

"So you wanna tell me about your Little Hoochie?" I ask giving him a Chance to explain Before Going Completely off on him in the Mall.

"Oh Cut it out Samiya Don't Start".

he said grabbing a white wash rag of the counter and slinging it over his left shoulder.

"What do you mean don't start!",

"Oh God here you go", he said to me.

And I instantly loose it.

"I come to the mall to being our son to see his Daddy at work and I get here off a hot cramped bus to see you on here with some Hoochie!", I yell.

"Samiya stop Don't do this here!", He yells back and his Manager comes from the Kitchen.

"Is everything ok up here?", He Questions looking from Ramin to me.

I cross my arms over my chest and roll my neck waiting for him to speak.

"Yeah Boss everything's Fine", he told him.

He nods and replies back.

"Alright well let's make sure we're working not lolli Gagging"; he told Ramin.

We wait til his boss is back through the door of the fast food place Ramin worked for here in the mall.

"Samiya please you and Baby Messiah Go home we can talk about this there", he Instructed me and he's right.

I Roll My eyes Suck my teeth and say.

"Whatever"; to him.

I then grab My baby stroller and strutt away from Ramin.

He takes off his work uniform hat and rubs his hand through his hair frustrated.

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