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Third Person POV

The two were in the middle of one of their almost routine banters. Scathing remarks flew back and forth, each one more wretched then its predecessor.

"I've grown tired of your stubborn streak (Y/N). It's getting to be a bore." Peter said condescendingly.

"Well I've grown tired of this ruse of bravery that you showcase. You may have everyone else fooled, but I know the truth." She responded calmly.

He arched an eyebrow and came bit closer.

"If I might be so bold, what pray tell is this 'truth'?" He asked, mirth slipping into his voice.

She stepped forward." To be quite honest, I believe that you're nothing more than a lowly coward." She answered evenly.

At those words, Peter was overcome with a sense of nostalgia. He had been told similar things many times throughout his existence. Before he even dreamt of Neverland.

"What could you truly know of myself and my ways? The reasons behind my actions?" He seethed. In a way, he wasn't defending himself to her.

He felt as if he was that young boy all those years ago, briskly walking past as people whispered about his immoral ways.

What could they have truly known?

Absolutely nothing.

"I've formed my own opinions based off  of the actions and behavior that you have so readily displayed." She cut through his brief thoughts.

"You know nothing." He said cuttingly.

"And neither do you." She stared right into his eyes, refusing to yield.

"I've never been more certain that you have a death wish." He spoke up.

"Of course you would resort to that same old threat. That's very cowardly of you." She rolled her eyes carelessly.

(Y/N) swiftly turned on her heel and walked off into the heart of the forest. Peter simply watched her retreating figure until she completely disappeared from his sight.

Once she was gone he disappeared, leaving nothing behind except for a column of green mist.

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