Chapter 2

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Kate’s POV

I head inside, I get just inside the door and I can tell Mark is mad. I take my shoes off, and sit on the couch and start to check my messages, Mark sits down beside me and starts trying to read the messages over my shoulder, so I stop looking and he starts yelling  “What I can’t see who you are talking to?”

“Why does it matter who I am talking to?”

He starts screaming at me I message Holly ~ Call the cops I am scared, He is crazy mad, I need the cops now!

He is still screaming and now he grabs my arm and says what the hell do you think you are doing, you think you can do whatever you want? I thought I broke you of this! Well now you will learn. As he does I can hear sirens way in the….OMG! He has me by the back of the head and is now slamming my head in to the coffee table.  This is it tonight the abuse will be bad, he is not backing down. He turns me over and I am on my back, he punches me in the mouth and tells me that is for mouthing off to him, and then he punches me in the eye and says that is for looking at another guy. Then he slammed my head into the floor and that is all I remember.

Holly’s POV

I knew he has been verbally abusive but she has never said anything, I can just tell. But tonight she has me scared something is wrong, after talking to Adam, Adam said Mark was screaming at him on the phone telling him that his little pet is going to pay, she will pay for sleeping around on him and she will get what she deserves. I knew when I dropped her off I couldn’t leave so I make an excuse that I need to check my phone.

I get a message from her telling me to call the police I call 911 and as I am telling them what is going on I saw him grab her! I scream he is going to kill her; I need to get in there and stop him. The 911 operator is telling me not to go in or there will be 2 people in danger. I can’t keep watching this he will kill her. I kick the door open and start yelling at him, I see her lying on the floor. I think she is dead and now he is going to pay, He grabs me and I fight back, he will not catch me off guard! I will fight till the police get here; I can hear them they sound so close. I fight him with everything I have, he punched me right in the nose and I am sure it is broken but that’s not going to stop me! She is not going to die because of him and neither will I, I keep hitting him, he punches me in the jaw and in my eye and after he got the last shot on my eye, I finally feel someone pulling me away from him. I scream she is inside I think he killed her! I start crying at this point. There are 2 ambulances that pull up, and I say I am fine I am not going to the hospital I need to stay with her. I am refusing treatment unless you can get me in the same ambulance as her!

They bring her out on a stretcher, while he is being handcuffed. He is screaming at me, you can tell her little lover boy this is all his fault! I scream at him, you have not let her out of the house in 3 months how could she even have anyone else in her life. She never even met him until I took her back stage tonight you fucking asshole; I hope you rot in jail for the rest of your life.

I do know the law though and I will be there for her every step of the way.

They told me I can go with her in the ambulance and they will treat me with her if I allow them. I ok this as long as I get to be with her. 

Fuck I need to call him…”Hello”

“Hey it’s Holly I am in the Ambulance with her, he broke my nose and punched my eye and jaw…talking is hurting a lot! But her…she looks dead! He meant to kill her!”

What hospital are you taking us to?

I tell them where the guy said and he told me he would meet us there.

“Will they even let me in?”

“Just message when you are there and I will do what I can”

“I am bringing James I need him to drive me there I am so mad I am shaking”

We hang up. We have arrived at the hospital they tell me I need to get x-rays and I say no, I will not get them done until someone else is able to stay with her. 

“You need them done now” a nurse said

“What part of I am not leaving her do you not understand?”

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