Chapter 5

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Adam's POV

I hear the music, no lyrics yet but I know someone is not going to be happy, why do people think it is a good idea to sing judges songs...NEVER a good idea

Wait not only is it my song but this chick is changing my song...She is good though, I am a little slow on the draw the 3 other judges have already hit their button and Blake is yelling shit at me as soon as she sung IT DOESN'T MATTER ANYMOREEEEEEE I think that's it I want this one....I hit my button right away, OMG it's her singing with her eyes closed, and now all the changes make sense it's for Kate, and her actions at the end of the song confirmed it, she finished singing and then signed peace and love up to the sky and she mouthed LOVE YOU KATE!

Holly's POV

I signed peace and love then mouthed love you Kate! I opened my eyes and I got a 4 chair turn and I sort of smile, before any of the judges can say anything Adam says "Holly Marie, I know you belong on my team"

Blake says "So we know your name, what do you do?" "I work in a law office here in LA" Adam looks at me, oh right I never told him that little bit of info, it was also why I was not surprised today when I got the subpoena at work today, hell I typed it up and told them when it was ready so they could serve me. Blake then said "I hit my button first" "Hey I hit mine at the same time, and I want you on my team" Christina said. Ceelo joins in by saying "As much as I want you on my team it seems obvious that you are going to be on team Adam"

"So you have to make a choice, who do you want as your coach" Christina says

"Wow I never expected all of you to turn your chairs...ok I pick...Adam"

"Congratulations you are on team Adam" Adam says.

We hug and I head back stage.

Adam's POV

Thank god for commercial breaks, I need to talk to her now! I run backstage. She is standing there waiting. "I hope I did not make things weirder for you, I didn't have a clue it was you or I would have let the others fight it out for you, though you did pick me so it can't be all bad" I say. I don't know what else to say to her, we have been texting once a week since the last night I saw her but I don't know how she feels about being stuck with me as her coach, though she did pick one of my songs and I love what she did with it.

Holly's POV

"No Adam it's fine...But Adam you heard what my job is right"

Adam says "Yeah and I am thinking I don't have to guess what you are going to tell me next"

I don't want to do this to him, I want him to be able to forget about it all, to move on, and that is why I have not called or seen him to this point, but I have to do this.

"Adam do you want me to do this now, or later?"

"If you do it later can we actually sit down and talk after?"

"If I do it now, then we will have enough space in between that I can talk to you later"

"Ok then do it now"

"Adam Noah Levine?"


"Consider yourself served and have a good night"

God my heart hurts, today has been a rollercoaster I never thought I would be here without Kate, this was not my dream this was our dream! We were supposed to be here together.

Adam's POV

I still have a show to get threw I head back out to my seat; I really need to talk to Holly about this though. I just need to get the show over with and then I can talk to her.

Finally today is over. I immediately text Holly ~hey will you meet me at my house, I really do not want to go out anywhere tonight, but I still want to talk to you.

She messages me back almost immediately and says yes she will meet me there. She will actually be there waiting for me since she is almost there.

She went to my place? How did she know that's what I would say?

Text to Holly ~ I have to know why did you go to my place and how did you know that's what I would say.

Holly's POV

I do not want to go out and talk about this with other people around but I do not want Adam to think I am blowing him off either. I know I will go to his house and have him talk to me there.

Incoming message from Adam~ I have to know why did you go to my place and how did you know that's what I would say.

I message him back~ I did not want to go out and talk about this with other people around listening and felt like your place would be a better option than just not showing up and ditching you. I had no clue you were going to say that you wanted to meet at your place instead though. AND Adam you better not be texting while driving.

I did not get a message back so I was thinking he must have been driving, even though I am sure he checked the message at a red light or while driving.

I hated doing that to him but it is my job and at least now we can talk about it. I am so sad about all of this.

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