Chapter 7

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Adam's POV

Wow they make an amazing duo, Kate's voice and power is equally as impressive as Holly's and they are incredible together.

I look over at Holly listening, and I can see her mouthing the words for her parts, watching her makes me smile, until I see the tears welling up in her eyes. I walk over to her and hug her, I don't know what else to do for her.

"You both have amazing powerhouse voices, and normally that doesn't work together and yet you 2 made it work"

Holly's POV

I got so caught up listening to us singing that for a second I forgot Kate is dead and we will never sing like this together again, the second it hits me I feel the tears well up in my eyes. Adam comes over and hugs me. Maybe he was right maybe this is the reason Kate died, maybe Adam and I were supposed to be friends and maybe this was the only way it could happen. The song ended and I was still crying so I didn't stop my IPhone from playing the next song....Let her go. I finally stopped crying "I recorded that one the night I left here, I had gone a week without singing and I didn't know how I felt, then this song came into my head and I truly thought this covered exactly how I felt about her"

"That's creepy" Adam says and then makes this look like oh shit I said that out loud.

"Why is it creepy Adam"

"What time was that at?" he asked me

Adam's POV

"It was exactly 9:21pm...according to my phone" Holly says

I grab my phone and say check the date and time on this recording

Holly grabs my phone and looks..."same date, and exactly the same time" she says then she pushes play

I watch her listening, she is shocked.

"I had no clue why that song came in to my head and for about 10minutes I couldn't stop it from playing in my head, so I finally decided I needed to record it and as soon as I did, it was gone"

"It was Kate, she wanted us to be together to try and get through this, instead we stayed as far from each other as we could". I say

Wow Kate had a greater impact on my life then I knew, I just hope she can help Holly realize she needs to be in my life because at this point I think Holly still can't wait to get away from me.

Holly's POV

Wow Kate really must have seen something in Adam that I never picked up on, because there is no way that that was a coincidence.

"Adam I have to go, I will be back at 9:30am for James, and then you have the voice stuff, since it's still blinds I am not back for a week, But ADAM don't wait a week to talk to me."

"Ok have a good night and see you in the morning" Adam says

"I already did, see you at 9:30am"

Oh my god did I just say that? What am I thinking that sounded so stupid. I have only known him a little while but I missed talking to him when I was trying to stay away from him, he understands and he gets the guilty feeling that I have, everyone else just keeps telling me to get over it.

Adam's POV

I missed talking to her, seeing her, and how crazy was that, that we both recorded the same song at the same time. I will not wait a week to talk to her, now that I know she actually wants to talk to me. In fact I am going to do something right now. Damn it's 4am why am I awake James is coming at 9:00am.

I text her ~ Hope you made it home safe; see you in a few hours. Your Voice coach, Adam.

8:45am and I am finally getting out of bed, I get dressed and fix my hair. 9am and James is at the door.

"Hey Adam, so is she here yet and what is going on with you 2?"

I filled him in on everything, and basically we waited for Holly to get here

9:30am and she is not here

I text her~ Hey I hope you are ok James is here and we are waiting for you

No message back, but I know she doesn't text while I am hoping she is just driving.

20 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 minutes....1 hour...I am worried now.


Incoming text message ~ I will explain when I get there I am about 5 minutes away.

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